Fasting is one way for a Muslim to show their obedience to the creator. Refrain from eating and drinking from sunrise until sunset. For a Muslim who according to his religious teachings perfectly, the fast of day will not weaken his spirit to do his daily affairs but with fasting it will make him more eager to perform other charitable acts.
Menjalani ibadah puasa bukan hanya menahan diri dari makan dan minum semata-mata tetapi pada bulan ramadhan inilah seluruh umat islam akan berlumba-lumba untuk melaksanakan pelbagai amal baik kerana balasan pahala dan kebaikan yang berlipat ganda telah dijanjikan oleh Allah kepada setiap hamba-Nya yang berpuasa. Bagi mereka yang tinggal di kawasan perkampungan muslim, suasana berpuasa akan lebih terasa pada sebelah malam kerana hampir keseluruhan surau dan masjid akan membaca ayat suci al-quran dan kedengaran di setiap tempat.
To perform fasting does not just refrain from eating and drinking but in the month of Ramadhan this is the whole of the Muslims will be racing to perform various good deeds because of the reward of multiplicity and goodness has been promised by God to every fasting servant . For those who live in Muslim villages, the fasting atmosphere will feel even better at night because almost the entire mosque and mosque will read the holy verses of the Qur'an and be heard everywhere.
Sebenarnya pada bulan ramadhan inilah juga kanak-kanak akan lebih ramai kelihatan kerana bagi mereka setiap kali musim puasa tiba iblis, jin dan syaitan akan dirantai dan tidak akan keluar untuk mengganggu manusia. Oleh sebab itulah kanak-kanak ini akan lebih berani keluar rumah sehingga lewat malam.
Actually in this Ramadhan also the child will be more visible because for them every time the fasting season arrives the devil and the jin will be chained and will not go out to disturb people. That's why these kids will be more brave to go home late at night.
Apa pun cara dan kaedah yang digunakan bagi mengisi aktiviti puasa di bulan ramadhan ini biarlah ia menjadi satu titik mula kearah kebaikan. Jadikanlah puasa kali ini sebagai lambang penghijrahan bagi setiap kita yang berpuasa.
Whatever the methods are used to fill fasting activities in this Ramadhan month let it be a starting point towards the good. Make this fast as a symbol of migration for each of us who fast.
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