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RE: Should Human Beings Have The Right To End Their Lives?

in #life8 years ago

Indeed we do not choose to be born into this world, but we are destined to be born as a leader for others, to make this world more feasible to be inhabited for all creatures of God. In my country euthanasia is only justified for medical reasons


Is clinical depression a good enough medical reason?

No, depression can still be treated by neurologists and psychologists. Only if the patient's brainstem has been declared dead or no hope to recovery, then passive euthanasia can be done

You're assuming people even have access to healthcare.

I had depression for the best part of 20 years and I'm not sure it will ever go away entirely, but in those 20 odd years, not once did I ever have access to a neurologist or a psychologist. The mental health branch of the National Health System in the UK is very hit and miss and for me, the ONLY treatment available was medication and that involved a lot of trial and error.

If a persons brainstem is already dead, then euthanasia is irrelevant. They are already dead.