What is more effective? Was ist effektiver? .^^. KISS INSTEAD OF FIGHTING? KÜSSEN STATT KÄMPFEN? .^^.
What do you think? Was denkt ihr?
Simply close the eyes and do not think about? Einfach die Augen verschließen und nicht nachdenken?
Kissing a little bit and fighting a little bit? Ein bisschen küssen und ein bisschen kämpfen?
Or find another way? Oder einen anderen Weg suchen?
🐆 we should copy how lions are doing that. I think they are going quite well 🐯
Yes, Lions are the Kings,
they are simply the Kings.
make peace not war =)
good Life^
We should use kiss as an currency :)
Okay, suppose, we will see some more millionärs,
kiss coin - love it^^