They tell that in an opportunity the truth and the lie were in a bus ...
-Good Morning: said the lie
-Very good days: answered the truth
-Beautiful day: said the lie
To what the truth peeked out the window to see if it was true, and saw that it was true.
They arrived at their destination, when they got off the bus the lie told him: "Even more beautiful is the lake," he really looked towards the lake and found that it was true.
The lie ran to the lake and said: -the water is very rich, let's swim!
The truth walked towards the lake, touched the water and verified that it was true and decided to trust the lie...
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The lie and the truth took off their clothes and entered the lake, swimming calmly. After a while, the lie came out dressed in truth clothes and left. The truth unable to wear the clothes of the lie began to walk without clothes, everyone was horrified to see it.
This is how many people even today, prefer to accept the lie disguised as truth and not the naked truth.
The story I shared with you is one of the many stories about this value and its antivaler, I rescue from it the lightness of the lie, many times we see it cool, as a nonsense that does not affect, but by making it part of a style of life becomes dangerous. On the other hand, the structured truth, which needs to verify everything and sometimes becomes raw.
With the lie many things are achieved, but through deception, to pass over others, many times wanting to justify situations, but ultimately remains a lie, which hurts and manipulates. The naked truth, can come to horrify many, but in it there is no darkness.
Dear reader, the intention of this post is not to judge you or to judge by your actions regarding the truth and the lie, but if we together we realize that with the lie we often hurt those we love, including ourselves. , we can not ask for sincerity, when we are not sincere, nothing like sleeping with a clear conscience.
Until my next post stay sincere
I am @zeuz