Ethos might or might not be a good exchange. Nobody knows that right now. But to say its going to overtake a well established one in a year is highly unlikely. Gemini would have the best chance.
By the way, avoid coinbase fees by using their platform GDAX. Free to move bitcoin over and free to send bitcoin to another wallet. Another reason it will be hard to dethrone.
Yes time will tell and we can't say for sure right now.
However I think the universal wallet, coupled with the ability to buy any altcoin, is a massive advantage over the current platforms
I disagree, the establishment you speak of has not yet been established. Everything is still so new that it’s on open game. Look at how fast Binance came up! Don’t mean to argue friend be we are in uncharted waters, here there be monsters
Good point
Coinbase has first mover advantage, but I feel like the majority of the customer base is dissatisfied, so it's more like a first mover disadvantage lol...
with stuff like this it makes them vulnerable for a new player to take the lead!Not to mention what just happened with Coinbase with BCH. Insider Trading Scandal!