For the post this time, we want to kongsikan recipes rather than the fruit of the Prophet Muhammad's fondness is the fruit of pumpkin.
Pumpkin fruit is one of the favorite fruit of the Prophet. jpg
fact he asked his wife, Aisha to increase the pumpkin in cooking. In the book of al-Ghailaaniyyat told, the Messenger of Allah had asked Aisha to increase the pumpkin when cooking vegetables. "Actually the pumpkin can cure the sadness of the heart," said Rasulullah.
In a Hadith it is mentioned that a tailor invites the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to attend a banquet. Anas said, "I went with the Messenger of God to attend the banquet. To the Prophet the host serves bread from wheat and a sauce of pumpkin and jerky. I saw the Messenger of Allah searched the pumpkin from around the bowl of the gravy. '"(Muslim History)
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Mouthwatching Recipes

Pumpkin Juice Steamed Pumpkin
1 sugar bowl
250g butter
4 eggs
1 grapefruit flour cup milk flour
1 cup of pumpkin flour (range with a little water and toskan)
1 tea blade salt
1 teaspoon soda bikarbonate blend tea powder boiler 1 blade esen vanilla
- Beat sugar and butter until flower
- Enter the egg and hit again for 2 minutes.
- Put the wheat flour, milk powder, bicarbonate soda, baking powder and salt and keep on.
- Enter the pumpkin range and continue to hit for 2 minutes again.
- Put the mixture into the pan and steam for 40 minutes.
- Available in the field
Pumpkin Flask
Material A-
3 bell pepper flour
2 teaspoons yis immediately
1 teaspoon sugar caster
3 bra
Ingredients B-
230 gm gently boiled pumpkin (origin using 200gm of octopus)
150 gm sugar (origin using 180 gm sugar)
1 eggs
150 ml thick coconut milk
Ingredients C-
(sift together) 200 gm whole wheat flour 1 1/2 small baking powder (origin for 1 sk double action b powder)
without any coconut is ok jer, as dah enough sweet fat.
How to Make:
Mix ingredients A and chaotic to true. Then leave the mixture for 5-10min.
Then mix all the materials B and the fine range. Pour into a bowl of the mixture. Insert the C ingredients into the B ranges gradually and chaotic.
Include also ingredients A and chaotic to sebati. Allow the cake to soak for 1 hour (Ummi close the bowl of the mixture).
Heat the steamer and may pour it into a large pan or small references that have been swept with a little oil and steam until cooked (Ummi for small reference and steam for 15 18 minutes).
together with a young coconut shredded with a little salt and steamed coconut for a while so that coconut is not easily stale.
No de kuih days ago for souvenirs fruit hand mengaji kak rose, make also to eat alone jer ... miss very with kawan2 kaji2 everyday Friday. ... miss his meals, miss gebang2nya
credit images: jumadilzikri

Very Easy Sweet Fruit Pumpkin!
2 eggs
200ml coconut
1 milk saucers
2 tablespoons of wheat flour
1/2 cup of fine sugar
1/2 cup of sweetened milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 vanilla esen bolls
2 butter blades
2 gray cups boiled, toskan and dilecek little ore to sow on the surface of the cake
I added a small dye of egg yolk to make it more colorful.
This pumpkin, after the skin was thrown .. redeemed then yes .. before dilecek.
Ways to make
1- Preheat oven (temperature 200 ° C). The pan that had been buttered was immediately warmed.
2- Combine the above ingredients except the squashed pumpkin and the salt. Allow.
3- Tapis the previous set that has been ranged. Pour in a large bowl and put pumpkin that has been in lecek, chaotic until blended.
4- Pour in the baking pan.
5- Burn for 1 hour or until cook. If the surface is crusty, add a burning period.
6- Let the cake really cool just then in pieces. Credit:

Cuba by Azie Kitchen
2 cup of pumpkin steamed and sliced
2 bowls of flour pulut
1 sugar slice melaka cut small
1/2 white grated coconut seeds and salted with salt secubit
yellow dye
1/2 cup of water or taste to diuli with
2 strands of pandan leaves
Lenyek pumpkin steamed until cooked and mixed with flour. then enter the water little by little. Continue to enter a little dye and slip flat to become a doh.
Then make a small bebola, insert slice of sugar melaka in the middle of it and cover with a pack and golek kan to be a ball. Do it so that the order runs out.
Watercress in pots to boil together with pandan leaves. Put the bebola into boiling water. Lift it when it is already on the surface.
The end of a golekkan golekkan above the grated coconut

Donut Pumpkin
200 grams of whole wheat flour (add some more blades
1 1/2 small instant yeast blender
100 grams of squash, steamed and finely chopped
50 grams sugar
1 1/2 large butter blade
1 egg yolk
1 / 2 small blade of non-sticky salt)
1 large boiled milk blend
1 small vanilla ice blend
60 ml water (no use) Chocolate cooking, peanuts or refined sugar for garnish
Way way
In a small bowl, combine squashed squash, milk, butter and egg yolks. In another bowl, combine the wheat flour, yis and sugar
Then put the two ingredients together and blend flat to become a soft and elastic doh. If necessary, pour the water little by little while hanging out. I immediately did not enter the water. Take care for 15-20 minutes.
Sprinkle the flour on the workbench, remove the doh, press press slightly and rolled as thick as 1cm, soap with a donut reference, located on a pan that has been sown a little flour. Create until ready. Refresh again for 20 25 minutes.
Fry in simple hot oil to golden yolks on all parts of donuts.
Decorate your creativity samada use chocolate, peanuts or refined sugar. May serve with O tea as an afternoon meal.

EASY and easy to wipe
half pumpkin size smallest peeled and cut n washed
1/2 cup of wheat flour
1/2 cup of sugar I lay jearrelts secubit optional salt
- boil pumpkin until soft then lenyek for smooth.
- Add the sugar sand .. leyvtambah or lack of sweetness desired
- Add flour ... slang for the average..the flour ni actually tigk the state of pumpkin tu ..agak2 if the flour less ley added tp make surw not hard then .. .macam nak make celkodok pisang tu la ... kinda je sukasi flour tu ye ...
- Gaul sebati and ley la fried in hot oil ... dah war ely lift n ngappp..heheh
Kerian Pumpkin
1 seed Pump small size
2 a wheat flour cup sugar
1 slightly salt slightly water
Method of preparation
- Cut the dice of pumpkin and boil so tender. Then squash the flask and add the flour gradually to form a doh.
- Form a pumpkin like a cookie and fried so yellowish with a small fire
- For sugar sauce, heat the pot and then enter the sugar with two water blades and chaotic so that the liquid. Enter the keria immediately when the soluble sugars are still hot and slouched. Raise the keria and let it cool before serving.
1/2 seeds WEDNESDAY (discarded)
How to Make
1- Boil the pumpkin fruit, then sliced.
2- Enter the squashed pumpkin, along with all the other ingredients into the
3-ranges range until the cream.
4- Pour in the former.

Material A (doh):
1 cup of pumpkin that has been boiled and melenyek
1 cup of flour pulut Slightly fine salt
Material B (core):
1 Ve grated coconut seed
2-3 pieces of sugar melaka
1 blouse wheat flour Sugar sugar
2 pieces of pandanus leaves Water
Material C (gravy coconut milk)
1 cup concentrated coconut milk
1 teaspoon rice flour Little salt
How to Make:
a) Doh
1- Combine all the ingredients and make a simple doh
2- The swing will stick a little on the hand. No need to add flour as this will produce a soft and not tough cake.
b) Core
1- Cook melaka sugar with coconut water until the sugar is broken.
2- Enter the pandan leaf conclusion.
3- Enter the coconut and cook with a slow fire until the coconut is slightly dry and stretched. Enter the sugar if it is not sweet enough.
4- End once enter the flour and chaotic flour. Cook until slightly dry. Cool down.
c) Dried coconut milk
1- Mix the flour with coconut milk and chaotic until sebati.
2- Cook over slowly. Enter salt.
3- when there is little foam (boil a little flame cap and ketepikan.

Material A
2 cup of wheat flour
1/2 cup corn starch
1/4 cup of sugar (and added 3 large sugar blenders)
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
Ingredients B
1/2 yellow pumpkin seeds budget 1 kg
Materials C
1/2 grated coconut seeds with a little salt Banana leaves to taste in the brush
How to make:
- Insert all ingredients A into a bowl, slang until all the ingredients mixed and instantaneous ketepikan
- Peel the pumpkin and cut the kiub. Boil until tender and toskan in 2 minutes and lenyek so crushed.
- Pour squash lecek into ingredients A and slang so that mixed. Do not add water. Structure is beautiful if you use the recipe above.
- Pile up to the top of the banana leaves in the layout earlier and smooth out a bit.
- Put the grated coconut and a little stick on it (nipis only, just cover the core). Wrap it neatly and put it into the steamer.
- Steam for 15-20 minutes, and after cool may be served.
1/2 yellow pumpkin seed
2 squash bowl
2 cups rice flour
1 cup thick coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
20 pieces of banana leaf (palm width) wafted slightly oil
- Piss two pumpkins
- Splitting to enjoy peeled skin
- Peel the hard skin
- Steam or boil pumpkin until soft
- Pumpkin pumpkin while still hot to be more glad
- Loam pumpkin lulek .1 cup of pumpkin use 1 cup rice flour
- Let cool pumpkin a little added rice flour .. (If added heat flour, stirring will cook and lembik)
(May be substituted wheat flour but if it is for rice flour I will be softer and beautiful and delicious ..) - Add also sugar, salt and coconut milk .. 9. Chaos to get a thick mix
- Take a piece of banana leaves that have been dried palate as wide as the palm of the hand Location 1 large blade of pumpkin and wrap up .. Steam approximately 20 minutes .. Take 1 kuih and open if kuih x attached to the banana leaf and happy to open .. tandanya kuih dah cook.
Recipe Cake Pumpkin
Material A
2 Water Cup
1 1/4 Bottle Starch Grate
1/2 Small Sudden Salt
2 Pandanus Leaves
Material B:
2 Grain Wheat Flakes
1/2 Grain Flour Flour
1/4 Grain Corn Flour
2 Chicken Puppets
2 Chicken Water
Ingredients C
1/2 Concentrated Grapes
2 Pumps Pumpkin (dicibly cut, boiled and smoothed in fine range)
Ways to provide Chili & Pump
Bring to a boil and cook the ingredients A so that the Sugar dissolves, then cool it instantly.
In another second bowl, unite all the B Materials, Gaulkan flatten and insert the Material A into Material B
Once it is threaded, tapiskan the mixture and pass it to the first two Seconds insert Material C Santan (White)
Former second ingredients D-Fruit Pumpkin (Yellow)
Due to we look for layer, we need to distribute any former Adunan to 3 Used (3 former White Santes) (3 Former Yellow Pumpkin) in this recipe for 3: 2layer (3kuning 2 white).
Ways to Steam and Make Layer
Boil a steamer a bit Wipe a little cooking oil around a baking sheet Add the Yellow Straw (Pumpkin) and steam for 5-7 minutes. Second Layer, put White Composition (Santan0 and steam for 5-7minit also Repeat process for but the last layer should be steamed for 20 minutes and use a simple fire After cooking, it is okay to remove the reference and cool it. Let it cool, freshly cut.
Just a lot of info from me, more and less please be advised

ohh my!!!! now am hungry
What is the origin of this dish? It looks tasy AF. I'd love to wash it down with a Lager. I think the two who complement each other very nicely.