Material A:
2 cwn rice flour
1/2 small chalk water blade (bancuh and filter)
Little young coconut shredded and mixed with a little salt
Material B:
1/2 cwn sugar sand
1/2 cwn brown sugar
4 cwn water
How to:
Bancuh flour with lime water. Pour sugar water that has been lukam into the flour while disrupted flat. Layer filters into the former.
Boil water in a steamer. Spread a little oil on a hollow reference.
Pour the mixture into the reference to the cake so that it is full. Steam for 25 minutes or so cook.
credit video recipe: Try cooking
video recipes & written are two different recipes, may choose to follow your favorite 😘
the image can not be recognized owner, please pm admin if there is a picture of yours for us give credit 😊

Is that coconut on Jello? I wonder what that taste like
Yes, the taste is delicious and delicious