5M you must control in your life

in #life3 months ago

​Life, a blessinng from God, yet a responsibility for each human to take care of.

I stumbled upon this 5Ms and after ruminating over them for sometime, I decided to put up my thoughts here on Hiveblog.

Here goes the 5Ms ;

  1. Mouth
  2. Mind
  3. Mood
  4. Manner
  5. Money

Let me start with the mouth, in my close to 3 decades sojourn on earth so far, I have seeing how the mouth could bring peace and how the mouth could enact war between nations but little did many know that the mouth is controlled by what goes on in the mind, the mind is the playground where all speech are first rehearsed or conceieved, the words are let out when human looses the power to tame the tongue. Therefore both positive and otherwise comes out of the mouth when human feels they cant keep it inside themselves alone any longer.

Not to make my view long, I will say the mind is the most powerful of the 5Ms, as it controls the mood as well, when the mind is happy, human beings puts on happy mood. However, the concept of mood swing has revealed how human has refuse to take charge of there mind but allows external factors to affect there emotions.

For the remaining two Ms even thou they are highly affceted by the mind, they are products of learning, we human unconsciously learn the wrong things most times. To get the right and meaningful knowledge, human being has to go through processes like the goldsmith and blacksmith does alot of beating into shape, lot of sacrifices is expected for human to break free from there cocoon like the cochroach, manners are learnt in form of culture and morals, when not learnt, then human misbehave, learning of manners simply implies training the mind to repsect other humans.

The last which mounts pressure on human is money, sadly, most himan walk through earth without learning about money or finances, funny enough I have been guity of expecting fate to bring wealth till 2023 when i lay my hands on the book " The richest man in Babylon".

Let me conclude my view by saying life is a responsibility and each human is responsible to make good use of the life God has bless him or her with.
