
Evidence is getting stronger and stronger.
My family thinks I am nuts.
We have been lied to about everything

@four20 Its not easy, for me the first 6 months maybe a little longer were really tough. I accept it now. I think time really does heal at some level. Living with the lies though is depressing as is seeing so many people missing out on the truth. We'll fix it, I always say, if I could be woke ANYONE can be woke! Peace

Sophistry is not evidence. A good education is proof against sophistry.

This man IS lying to you.

how do you feel when you getting positive comments on your theory?? know David the problem is that people doesn't to want to discuss flat Earth theory..even if they do not agree...even if they think you are totally would have been really helpful if they just try to discuss it,to listen...and not run myself believe Earth is a sphere ...i don't believe that we ever landed on Moon but i do believe that earth is round....i always wondered myself why have we never seen the 'dark' side of the Moon???....why we can only see one side.....these are questions bothering me all my life....but when it gets to the shape....i do believe Earth is round...
..the thing is that i'm open to hear with great interest your theory...and i'm getting upset when i see people so easy to judge and throw away something they simply don't understand!!!

try this - starts with the moon landings, then a lot more evidence for you to check out and be skeptical of the ball earth in a vast universe theory, you seem pretty open-minded:

Thats a good speech daznez. ODD Tv has some good vids destroying NASA lies too. So many awesome people bringing the truth out!

NASA is like a blood sucking leech, they are sucking you the tax payer dry and pretend to be doing something advance with your hard earned money.
It no different in any other place, every country has leeches.
The lie continues because of the majority perseption of NASA. I think you should rather make your movement against the government tax funding of NASA.
In South Africa, our biggest blood suckers are government owned companies, Eskom- electric supplier , SA airways. They babysitting adults and paying them ridiculous salaries for destroying the companies profitablity.

awesome speech....very very interesting...awesome video
...they 'lost' all the original tapes of the moon God cocksuckers.... you guys in the US tolerate them

i'm in the uk - you can tell by my accent.. thanks both of you for the thumbs up, peace :-)

Hey funnel, it is EXTREMELY lonely in the REAL world believing/knowing the earth is flat. Online it is a little easier because you feel less isolated. The positive comments ENERGIZE ME and help give me confidence. The people who got out there early in this , man that must have been tough, I am not sure I could have done that.

funnel, you sound like a really good dude- I don't want to come off now so sure that earth is flat that I turn into the people that upset you when they do not listen. Like- I really need to try to stay open to people's argument against flat earth, its not easy. Its like our beliefs get stronger and stronger over time- there are LOTS of things I cannot understand yet about flat earth, but water and not finding the curve keep telling me it flat. One last thing, that so many people are "seeing it" the flat earth that is seems pretty powerful, NOT one of us going into this probably thought they would end up thinking the earth is flat-crazy! ttys

let me ask you.....i understand the question ..why can we not see the curve....don't you think we are so very tiny in order to see the curve???....don't you believe that if we could get ourselves far away from Earth surface we could eventually see the curve???
...i watched the whole video our friend suggested was very very interesting...i do have my questions the video the guy says even from an airplane the horizon is flat...112.000 feet above see level the horizon is flat.... yes its flat...i'm not going to argue that..its more than obvious....but don't you think the distance ...even 112.000 feet above sea level is very very small distance in order to see the curve???.... these are questions bothering me to accept that Earth is not round... the the sun round????....i think it is..... the moon round???....i do think least i see it why should Earth not be round???
....someone can say ...its another thing to be round and another thing to be a sphere ... ok,objection accepted!! ...but how can you explain that the very time i'm writing this post in Hellas is evening and in USA is pitch-black???
...have you answered these questions???

you have just begun this journey - asking questions is good, and you are clearly open-minded. for myself, it took 6 months of research and asking all of these questions before i realised the whole world has been lied to about the earth and outer space, our origins, and everything else!

in answer to your questions: 50,000 feet should be high enough to see the curve, according to official scientismists. but what we're really concerned about is the lack of curve on the z axis, ie - looking away from our position, not just the x axis, straight across our view (the horizon.)
in other words, using ball earth maths (radius of 3959 miles) - we should not be able to see buildings, islands and mountains in the distance that we really can on good viewing days - chicago across lake michigan being but one example - i think i give some more in the video, and there are a lot more examples on youtube.
using the double pythagorean equation (far more accurate than 8 inches per mile squared which is a bit of fe cult indoctrination,) we work out that mountain tops, distant islands across the sea and city skylines across rivers should not be visible.
so either the earth is a lot bigger than we have been told (in which case they're inaccurate again, or just plain lying) or we in fact live on one big flat plane.

yes, the sun and moon are round, but they appear as discs - we never see any other face of either of them - sunspots rotate around the face but never away from us to 'the other side' and of course the moon's face rotates, but we never see 'the dark side.'

i'll leave it there for now,plenty to chew on for you. peace.

There is a photo taken by a university where they had forgotten to use the fish-eye lens the photo which was taken very high in the sky shows no curve at all. NASA also uses fish eye lenses to produce a curve.

@zoomtruth you are doing GOD's Work. Things will start to accelerate soon...............

I think the same thing stokjockey!

Going well mate please keep doing this work.

Thanks j85063! I will.

Hi David, I'm still not convinced that the Earth is flat, found a clip were a helicopter was film coming up from the horizon and it was already 24 feet in the air.
On another note, I found a person created a baby star- here is the crazy part: they created the star under water. I think the Bible is hiding something futuristical science that the ancient knew about
I'm coming to a conclusion they are giving us false science or half true science so that we can be dependent on the system. In doing so we destroying the planet.

Hey Coach, been busy on this flat earth stuff, missed your comment sorry about that. Well, as you know the lies are everywhere, I agree , I suspect there is a lot of technology that has been hidden from us.

We can only keep digging. I have been reading the Bible lately, really enjoying it. I am reading Job right now. I have become more and more convinced about the flat earth over the last couple months.
Experiment done over the weekend using a laser to detect any curvature. Result -one found....
At 23:50 seconds you can watch him see laser that he should not see because of curvature:

Keep searching, be careful too with flat erth there is a TON of disinfrormation videos being created to discredit flat earth. They misrepresent evidence and lie about stuff- CRAZY!!!! ttys and thanks for saying hi-Dave

Discovery Channel PURE Propaganda, i watched that early on when I was trying to figure out what is what. Come on Coach. All the Main stream Media crap is B.S., Discovery is a bunch of LIARS.

Lots of "regular" people do the same experiment and do NOT detect curvature. Got to dig more. When did you learn you lived on a spinning ball coach? They get us young brother, makes us BELIEVE we KNOW but instead it is PURE 100% Brainwashing. That's why even you can't see it and you are woke in my mind. Try and take the side of Flat Earth and start being skeptical of a "magic" spinning ball that water sticks too!
Have you ever seen that in real life? Nope- Just NASA CGI Photos- go on NASA's website and see- they label all the photos of earth from space "composites". Stop trying to "PROVE" what you already believe. Its not easy but you will get there if you keep digging. PEACE.

Watch this when you have time:

I understand how you feel about it David.
In my life, I figured out that I shouldn't be afraid of being wrong. Nobody wants to be wrong because it hurts their feelings. So I learned not to follow my feelings because you will never move forward if you follow your what you feeling.
The proof is everywhere, we can see how people feel about money, they kill, sabotage, hate and lie to get it.
We where meant to think logically and laterally.
Feelings can sabotage our growth.
Just to let you know, I still accept you and anyone else that has a different view point to me.
We are all different and special in our own way.

Heck yeah brother! Still pulling oil everyday! Thanks to you. No tooth pain AT ALL. Lots more WISDOM you have I am SURE. Going to bed but thanks for staying in touch!