Some of us have probably experienced one of the most painful part of our lives, "the heartbreak". A heartbreak can be caused from our love ones like boyfriend or girlfriend, loss of a relative, betrayal of one of our closest friends, failure at work and the likes. To me it is defined as "the ultimate failure of something we've hoped for", "the ultimate destruction of our lives" or could be " the deviation of our expectations". You may probably have own definition of "heartbreak" compared to mine but we all subjectively understand how painful it is.
To be honest you guys, I am still on the process of pulling myself together. I have been doing almost everything, all sorts of ways to move on a terrible heartbreak. I've received a lot of help from my friends. They gave me all kinds of advice just to keep me from destroying myself because of failure. Some of them helped me getting drowned on being drunk every single day. Some of them even introduced me to unhealthy diversions to "forget her". I've traveled a lot to at least stimulate the feeling of excitement in exploring new places. I've burnt all of our pictures and memorabilias (like one of my best friends adviced me ). I've deleted everything online that reminds me of her. I've blocked her on all social media sites to keep me from being updated about her happy life now with someone else. And now I've made a new personal account to have a fresh start.
But guess what none of those measures even worked.
Despite I've already burnt everything. Although I have already got rid of her memorable gifts. Still, I deliberately searched for her using an unknown account to stalk her, to stalk her new relationship, to still stalk whatever and wherever she is now. Those times, I feel like an idiot. I kept on deceiving myself that I have already moved on but still the pain was still there upon seeing her pictures with her love one. I've made a fool of myself all those times.
You see, you are probably familiar with those actions of mine. The desperate measures of recovering my broken heart. You might have as well tried one of those I guess.
When we feel so down, when we feel left behind. when we feel cheated by our love one, we feel like our life is shattered into pieces like its so hard to bring back ourselves into one whole person. We may have support systems to comfort us like our friends, families and relatives who would give worthy advice and motivation for us to start over again, We may do all stupid things to get over, we may remove all the memorable pictures and gifts that have something to do with a connection to that person, still our recovery will still depend on ourselves. Moving on depends on Our willingness to continue living even if that person is already gone. We must have our decisive minds to move on and stop searching for that someone who chose to leave us. Because in the end, we will be drowned by our own tears.
This message is for those people out there who may have been hurt so much like me. Like . Comment. and. Share this wisdom .