In life we do really experience failures. Most of us did experienced how it feels. Some would just simply quit, and never will try again. In some instances, like what I've experienced, I did fail, like on my board exam that I've taken, it was a big disappointment on my first try, it really feels like, I wanna die because i wasn't able to be on the list of passers. I never got to see on my own eyes the result on the internet, because I was afraid that my name won't be on the list. When my mother told me, it was a mix emotions, I don't know what to do,I go on my room and just cry the whole day. I feel like, I didn't reach what my parents expect me to be. After the whole day of sadness, I stood up and never give up, as I've remembered that my life would not just end up with that situation. And so I did continue, and try again, but the second time around, I did fail, so as the third time. I feel like in everything I do, I fail. There is this certain person, the significant other of mine, who inspires me not to just simply give up, she serves to be my strength, aside from our Lord Jesus Christ. And she is my partner. Thanks to her, because I won't be as dedicated as I am now, if its not because of her. It change me a lot, my disposition in life.