What is most important to me in the morning?
SleepWhat simple thing I could do in the morning that would make me feel better?
More sleepWhat activities makes my brain foggy in the morning?
Lack of sleepWhat activities makes me feel like I'm on fire?
Setting myself on fire?When is the best time to wake up for me?
NoonWhen am I most productive?
Any time except morningsHow long my waking up process should be before I start tackling work?
Ideally, 2 minutes. Realistically, the better part of the day. Just let me sleep already!
Without coffee, I am nowhere.
I am not sure this list of questions is applicable to everybody
As much as it may seem counter-intuitive, I have found that when I start off my day with exercise, I have more energy throughout the rest of the day. I am NOT a morning person, and COFFEE is my morning savior every day.
However, I start the day off with a 10-15 minute jog or some weight lifting exercises, shower, then get my coffee .. and I haven't found a better morning routine yet. Maybe something like that will work for you, since you sound similar to how I was before I got into a morning "routine".