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RE: Hyper-Productivity - Waking Up Right

in #lifehack7 years ago
  • What is most important to me in the morning?

  • What simple thing I could do in the morning that would make me feel better?
    More sleep

  • What activities makes my brain foggy in the morning?
    Lack of sleep

  • What activities makes me feel like I'm on fire?
    Setting myself on fire?

  • When is the best time to wake up for me?

  • When am I most productive?
    Any time except mornings

  • How long my waking up process should be before I start tackling work?
    Ideally, 2 minutes. Realistically, the better part of the day. Just let me sleep already!

Without coffee, I am nowhere.
I am not sure this list of questions is applicable to everybody


As much as it may seem counter-intuitive, I have found that when I start off my day with exercise, I have more energy throughout the rest of the day. I am NOT a morning person, and COFFEE is my morning savior every day.

However, I start the day off with a 10-15 minute jog or some weight lifting exercises, shower, then get my coffee .. and I haven't found a better morning routine yet. Maybe something like that will work for you, since you sound similar to how I was before I got into a morning "routine".