Again, I disagree sir. You must not lose a loved one to know the pain one goes through when that happens.
You do not need a heartbreak to know what it feels like. Why should a heartbreak cause a void in a heart that is filled with GOD?
Even when these occur, we have a comforter in him. Your heart cannot be broken, if someone decided they didn't want to be in your life anymore or acted in a way that showed that, then it's their loss not yours. So a broken heart is a choice sir.
Having the HolySpirit guide you is the best edge you can have in this world where people allow emotions and situations rule over them.
How else do you suggest a person learns of that pain...
People love and live differently, some relationships are more cherished than others, losing your best friend turned wife would create a void, so I don't understand why you feel it won't.