Public speaking is an extremely valuable tool
that can help you achieve great things in
life. In this article I am going to discuss how
public speaking can help you.
Public speaking is stated as the number one
fear above anything else. But learning how to
master the art of public speaking can be
extremely beneficial to you in many different
facets of your life.
So let’s break it down and look at some of the
areas that public speaking can help us in our

1: Further your career
Your career or your business is one of the
places where public speaking is more beneficial
than almost anywhere else.
Using strong public speaking skills can give
you a great leg up over your peers and over
people you’re competing against for different
Public speaking can help you impress your
boss . You can make a great impression if
you’re confident in giving presentations in front
of a crowd. Your boss might choose you to
give more presentations in future because they
know that it’s going to make them look good.
You can be seen as a thought leader and a
stand-out performer. Be confident and capable
of getting up in front of a crowd and you could
be seen as one of the best workers in the
Standing up and talking about what you’re
doing will make people perceive you to be
better than other people because they know

2: Create context in
your networks
It is important to create context in your
professional network and for the people above
you who are more likely to promote you.
You’re more likely to be seen by upper
management if you’re able to speak in public
and get up in front of a crowd. This creates
context and a relationship – even if not a one-
on-one relationship – so they can now interact
with you.
They understand who you are. So when a job
comes up and they’re looking through résumés
yours will stand out because they know who
you are.
Public speaking also helps you expand your
professional network . You can inspire greater
change and be seen as management material if
you’re an effective public speaker.
And you will likely get more of those
opportunities to present and be seen by your
peers and by upper management.

3: Improve your self-
Public speaking is great at building your self-
It’s difficult at first because public speaking is
so scary. You feel so awkward or you don’t
like the way you sound.
But you will build confident in the way you
present yourself over time. It allows you to be
confident not just in a public speaking situation
but in a variety of social situations. You can be
prepared for things like job interviews or
business meetings.
You can also learn to think and act on the
spot . Being good at thinking on the spot and
“winging it” when you go into social situations
will make you feel less stressed because you’ll
know that you can handle whatever happens.
Build your self-confident and get positive
feedback or constructive criticism from people.
You can then continue to grow and become
better at communicating.

4: Improve your social
Public speaking can be very beneficial to you in
your social life as well.
It allows you to react on the spot and not get
so worried about what’s going to happen
because you’re an effective communicator. It’s
not going to be awkward.
You’ll become a good story teller as well. A
great deal of public speaking is about being
able to tell stories. That’s what keeps people
Experience with public speaking will teach you
which stories get a good reaction and which
ones don’t. You can then use that in social
situations to keep the conversation flowing.

5: Become a better
Public speaking is good for your mind.
It can improve your critical thinking skills and
make you a better and faster problem solver.
I believe that the best way to learn something
is to teach it. I myself am not some award-
winning public speaker. But I am learning
about public speaking through teaching it.
Public speaking will stimulate your brain to
learn topics even better than your peers. It will
help you clarify your own thoughts and beliefs.
Being confident to speak to people about your
passions will also stimulate conversation.
Your ideas can sound very different when
they’re thought and when they’re spoken. And
so it helps you clarify your mind . And it helps
you think at a higher level to your peers and
improve your thought processes.

6: Become more
Public speaking will also help you with your
You’re almost always are going to need to
learn how to speak in public if you want to be
influential. I think the only exception to this is
people who run very successful blogs or
newspaper articles where they have gained
their influence through writing and not through
Video is soon going to take over text as the
main form of content on the internet. This just
shows that people who are happy to get up
and speak – whether that is in front of people
or in front of a camera – are going to gain
more influence than those who are hiding
behind a keyboard.
You’re more likely going to be able to lead a
team. If you can speak to a group then you can
almost always lead a group as well. You’re
going to get more opportunities to lead teams
and have greater influence there.
You can also have your thoughts heard . If
you’ve got these great ideas but you never
speak them out then no one’s going to hear
them. Being a good public speaker means you
can have your thoughts heard and make the
world around you a better place and build up
your influence.

7: Better your
Public speaking is all about communication.
Some people believe that it is 70% body
language, 20% tone and only 10% what you
say. I think this is complete nonsense.
It’s about getting a message across from one
person to another. Sometimes it won’t matter
if you have the best structure or the best
abilities in the world. If you’re talking about
something that just means nothing to me then
I’m not going to want to listen – no matter
how good you are.
Communication is so important when it comes
to your marriage and your family. Public
speaking can help you become a better
communicator within all of your relationships.
It will allow you to get the family to work
together towards a common goal. It’s a big
thing with public speaking. You’re rallying an
audience towards one key message. You can
do that with your family as well.
And because you’re going to become a better
story teller, you can maintain attention in
conversation at the dinner table.

8: Become a better
And public speaking will help you become a
better everyday communicator.
Speaking in public will help you to remove a lot
of poor communication habits. You will come
to recognise your stutters or your hand
moments or whatever awkward thing you may
Removing poor communications habits allows
you to replace them with better ones. You can
become better at communicating on the phone
or via email and just in your everyday life.
So there you have some of the different ways
that public speaking can help you become
more successful in your life.

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