Hello everyone who reads my blog.
I hope that all the haters bought anti-stress toys for themselves. I'm worried about you))
Sorry, I haven’t written anything for a long time, my depression makes itself known + there were cases with paperwork.
Where did I stop?
We were at the airport in Istanbul. Mr. S's sister flew to Greece with her husband and children. And we decided to fly to Germany. But the ticket was the next day, in the evening. We had time to take a little walk.
My friend laughed at me how I managed to photograph the airport without people in Istanbul. And I'll tell you, it's TALENT.))
I just waited for everyone to pass.
It was interesting, for the first time I saw people of different nationalities in one place, who spoke different languages.
And the first thing I wanted was to eat fast food! While I ordered it, Mr. S. went to buy tickets to Germany, Düsseldorf.
I have not eaten fast food for a long time, I really missed this kind of food. BUT! She's bad, so I don't overdo it.
Then we went to the bus stop to get to the center. Mr. S. found the hotel where we were supposed to stay. I am very grateful to him for his concern.
We got off in the center, Istanbul immediately impressed me, it is very noisy, people are everywhere, they are in a hurry somewhere. Everything is so bright and colorful. Everything is so new and different. Istanbul was like an anthill. Lots of home people. The architecture amazed me.
God, we're tired here. We walked around the city to our hotel, imagined that we would put our bags, take a shower and go for a walk around the city. But you know what?!
We found our hotel, put our bags down, took a shower, ate and went to bed.
We agreed to set an alarm to wake up in a couple of hours. BUT! We haven't woken up! We set 3 alarms. But we didn't hear him. We were very tired, did not sleep well for a month and had nerves all the way.
We just wanted to sleep. It felt like I hadn't slept in forever. It was so unaccustomed, nothing woke you up, there were no explosions. Honestly? Appreciate sleep.
In the morning we were called for breakfast. The cafe was on the roof, you could see everything from it. It was beautiful and delicious.
We were happy, but there was not much time left before the flight to Germany, so we decided to make the most of our time and went to the city, here are some of my highlights:
I'm happy for you. It feels new for now but later on, you'll get used to it in time. It's hard to be happy for sure because of what happened but you live and that's what matters the most.
I understand what you're talking about, but it's very difficult. I had everything: a favorite job, a favorite home, favorite animals. And in one month, I lost everything.
I hardly sleep, because otherwise I have dreams where I am again in Mariupol.
Дякувати Богу Ви врятувалися !
Велике дякую)))
Я теж рада)
Glad you already made it till this place. I can imagine that you slept through the 3 alarms. Your body really needed some rest. You went through so much the last months, not only physical, but also mentally. But you're strong! The next couple of weeks (or months) won't be easy as you need to adapt to so many new things. But I'm sure you can manage it together with Mister S. Stay strong!
Thank you very much for the words of support, but it is very difficult. I'm sorry that I didn't get in touch for two months, I know that you followed my blog, but it was very difficult for me. Part of my family wanted to return to Mariupol. It's terrible, there's nothing there, only ruins.
Ви вибачте, але що до Чехії я не можу погодитись з вами. Частина моєї сім'ї поїхала саме туди в пошуках заробітку і кращої долі.
Робота дуже складна, умови погані, а заробітна плата - копійки (5 Євро за годину). І це вони в різних містах і на різних роботах.
Я вже півроку в Німеччині, хороше ставлення до українців, хороші умови і дають паспорт на два роки.