My name is Bojan, and i am here to share my story with you.

in #lifestory9 years ago

Hello Steemit.

This is my first time to write story and i am very excited, hope so that someone will find himself in this true life story and hope so that you will enjoy. So lets start.

My name is Bojan and I am 26 years old, i was born in small town where i lived only 3-4 months because of war. With my family, mom, dad and older sister we move into new country and new town, where i grow up and start going to school. With my family i was living private in small apartment. Mother didn't have work, dad was always at work, and it was time that sister goes to high school. I was too young to understand all situation, and after 10 years father says that is time to move on, to go into bigger town, new house, to facilitate the transport of sisters to high school. I was not happy at that moment, but as i said, i was too young, i just start to getting friends for school, from neighborhood, all of them was my age, but time is come to move on.

It was August 2010, father raise a loan from bank to build a house, all my cousins was there to help to build a new house, it was fun for me, but i missed my friends. They said to me : "You are young and you will met new friends"..But i still missed them. Time was going, day after day, month after month, and house was finished. We was so happy because we have our house, we don't need more to pay rent, we have something our. New house, new neighborhood, new school and new start for all of us. It was hard to me to adapt, when i come to school other kids watching me and whispering to each other: "This is a new guy.." .. I didn't have friends, no one want's to hangout with me because i am new in town. I was sad and my parents consoling me everyday and telling me that for friendship needs time. That was my hope - time. And they was right, after few months, i was favorite in school, everybody likes me. With my humor, jokes I gained the sympathy. I was smart and i was helping other kids in school. After few years i was feeling that i was born there. I was never sad just like when we move on before.

After finish my high school i got a job and i help my father to return a loan to bank, he goes to retirement, mother didn't find a work, she was housewife, she raise my sis and me, she study with us, she was all we have, and when father get retire finally we was family. With a job, i afford to buy car for my self, not so much expensive, but good for a ride. I was in contact with my old friends, and now we are all hangout together. They come to me, i go to them. I was truly happy. My sister finish with college and also find a job. She have a boyfriend, today her husband and they live in other city, not so far away of us.

Something new come into my life at June 2009. i was 19, with my friends i met a girl. What a girl, she was blond hair, with blue eyes, girl from my dream.. It was love on first sight. I was most happy in the world when i was with her. We dated over 5 months when i said her to come to my house to meet my parents. That was first time that my parents met my girlfriend. Oh, i was little nervous about what my parents will tell about her and other stuff. They like her better then me now :D , everything was cool , they love her just like that she was their daughter. Time is going on, year after year and we was in love. In November 2015 i ask her to get married with me and she said YES! I can't explain how much i was happy that moment, after 6 years i make a decision to make a move, to make our dream come true, to live together, to have children - to be a family. She come into our house, my parents live on the ground floor and my wife and me on first floor (yup, we build a big house :) ).

Everything was fine if you don't take financial situation. With my job and father pension we live good, my wife find a work, and it was everything fine, till one moment when she come to me and said: "I am pregnant!". Wow, i was about i will be father! Hey i was..i was..i cant tell you that feeling it was amazing, it was a crown of our love. I am living my dream, i will become father a little girl. When my wife tell his boss that she got pregnant they fired her. I was pissed off about that, how not human he can be, what a idiot, fired pregnant women. She was so depressive, telling me what now she can do, she don't have a job, how can we live with only my wage. I was telling her all the time to don't worry, she don't need to be like that, sad and with stress when she is pregnant, that all her feelings affect the baby during pregnancy. I took another job, working all day and all night to afford some stuff to baby. I can't tell that i am poor or i am rich but some people says that money does mean nothing, they have right, but sometimes in some situations just like this, money can help a lot.

Friend of mine tell me about steemit, and tell me to write my story, as i said at start a lot of people will find them self at least in one part of my story. Hope so that you like my story and i will come with new when my princes come to our world in few days.


I can connect with you. You must be living in same part of world as I do. I would have to have car with aircondition, and small thing like that. Etc.
Good luck..

Thank you Leksimus, it hink that you are not only one who find himself in this story, thanks for reply.