"PARE / PERIA". plants that can treat cancer !!!

in #lifestyle6 years ago


"PARE / PERIA" can kill cancer cells!
Cut 2-3 thin slices of bitter melon in a glass, pour hot water, the water will become alkaline (alkaline), drink every day, to anyone will be beneficial.

Pare hot water will release an anti-cancer substance, this is a new development in the medical world that is useful in treating cancer.

Hot water extract of bitter melon will affect cysts and tumors. It has been proven to help various types of cancer.

Using bitter melon in treating cancer, will only kill the tumor's bad cells, it will not affect healthy cells.

Besides amino acids and polyphenol oxidase from bitter melon, can balance high blood pressure, improve blood circulation, reduce blood clotting and can prevent the occurrence of deep vein clots (deep vein thrombosis).