Is it ever OK to wear socks and sandals together. Yes, socks and sandals aren’t down for the count yet. You would be surprised on how many people say don't wear socks with sandals, its an ugly fashion. Lets get real here folks, when your not wearing socks how dirty is your feet getting, how old are your sandals, you don't think all sorts of dirt and grime are getting under those nails and between your toes, your feet don't sweat, does your sandals or feet sink yet, does your sandals feel sticky & gooey, did you get athletes foot, callus or any other type fungus on your feet, well for the sake of your health and your foots appearance wear socks.
Yes wearing socks keeps your feet clean, yes wearing socks keeps your feet clean, do I have to say it again. Don't frown upon the guy wearing socks & sandals with shorts, or jeans. He's protecting his health and his foots appearance, yeah he doesn't want smelly feet you can't argue with that. Socks prevents many fungus that could be on your sandals getting on your feet, socks help prevent diseases, socks absorbs sweat, we could go on and create a book on this topic but I'm not, I'm keeping it short. So if you don't want toe nail fungus or weekly visits at the pharmacy for foot creams, keeps your socks on.
Well I know some of you say it's better without socks, my feet can breath, my feet don't sweat, it looks better, I never had an issue, my advice is to keep your socks on, the pharmacy loves people like you. If your going to the beach, have beach sandals and you don't need socks at the beach. If your not going to take my advice, wash your sandals every time your done using it, let it dry out before you put it back on.
And I forgot women should wear socks too.
Image: Women wearing socks and sandals by scoutnetworkblog
The real issue is people wearing pajamas in public. That shit should be banned
That's funny.
Thank you for reading the post.
Go with which ever you like and worry none about what others think. Way too much importance is applied to the opinions of others. Everyone has an opinion- this is one here. Ignore it, its irrelevant, go with what YOU like.
Just keep a good healthy lifestyle, by knowing what to do if you choose yes or no.
Thank you for reading the post.
Dear @bola I'm an educated footspecialist in Denmark. I will both confirm and unconfirm your advice.
Socks are sweatabsorbing and prevent smelly feet, but can give a greater risk of fungus between your toes. If you really do want to use socks in your sandals. Then my advice to you is to use toesocks.
You also mention it doesn't spread nailfungus and at this point you are correct, but it worsens the fungus in nails. Because as you probably already know fungus thrives best in moisture,dark and bad oxygenated environment.
Well thank you for posting your first reply within minutes of creating your account.
Also thank you for reading my blog.
True and funny, I love your stuff.
Thank you
lol that was funny at the end, i liked the blog.
Thank you