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in #lifestyle7 years ago

You continue to impress me. Funny, it is almost like I "saw" that guy at first, instead of who you are now. I am a medical marijuana advocate, because I devoted a career to making money lying to glaucoma patients and feel I have a little debt to society I can never repay but I can at least stop racking up the bill...


Yeah, It's interesting how you viewed me at first. Glad that you gave me a chance! LOL!

LOL! Glad YOU gave me a chance.
I don't think it was accidental, Universe does odd things to get my attention sometimes. For all the times I have been a pain in your butt, one day you will find it was worth it. I lost a lot, but Universe filled me back up with other gifts. I don't get to pick when and how they are delivered, but those who bother to be kind to me usually are glad they did. And thanks especially for the pic with the dreads and blunt... THAT should be on a T-shirt somewhere with the caption "This is your pain on drugs."