Curious what is the most effective way to fix hair loss and thin? Check it out here. (IStockphoto), Jakarta fall out and thin is the enemy of all people who hate aging. As we get older, changes in overall hair density and each strand will get better.
However, quoted from, Wednesday (28/06/2017), diet and lifestyle choices also play an important role for your body changes. Here are some ways to combat hair loss and thin naturally. Curious?
1. Meet the needs of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12
Here you are strongly advised to eat foods rich in green vegetables, nuts, and fish that will provide the intake of vitamins and minerals in every strand of hair, which is needed to develop.
2. Head massage
Head massage allows scalp exfoliation that can promote the rotation of skin cells. In addition, head massage can also improve blood flow to the scalp.
This will help the hair care product you use to reach the hair follicle more quickly, and stimulate hair growth at the root.
3. Using vitamin supplements
According to dermatologists, the combination of fish protein, vitamin C, zinc, biotin, and niacin can encourage the body to produce healthier hair strands.
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Hi thanks for the info. I do have a terrible hair loss but am gonna try this
Ya you're welcome and ya you must try