I was looking through some old photos this morning, and came across this classic!
I grew up in London in the late sixties' and seventies it was a great time to be young, fashion and music all centered around London. I remember not following fashion but actually creating your own look, making your own cloths or shopping at Kensington Market. You didn't have a vast amount of money to spend on designer cloths and accessories back then.
My hair dresses Crimpers in Baker street called to ask, if I'd let them designing a new haircut for a hair fashion show they were attending in Paris, never one to turn down a free trip, I agreed. So after having my hair dyed blue-black not knowing exactly what the haircut would be. I left the shop with this classic haircut, going home on the tube that evening people didn't look twice at me.
The only had this for a few weeks and soon after this photo was taken it was cut into another geometric hairstyle. I was never one to worry about my hair, it was just hair and it would grow again. I have had many hairstyles throughout the years, but this one really summed up a generation. As a look at this picture now I realize just how brave and free spirited I was in my youth.