This is the maintenance man at my apartment complex, with a man who lives here, but is also a helper.
The maintenance man and I share a mutual loathing, so that he has said he won't come back to my apartment unless I leave while he is there.
Two weeks ago, when he was in my bathroom working on stopping the leak in my tub, he announced that "see there, it has stopped leaking"
I'm standing there, watching it drip, drip, drip, and I said so.
No, it has stopped leaking he said. (now I have PTSD, and I quickly get a Tone in my voice over stupidity)
I said MAN! I AM STANDING HERE WATCHING IT DRIP to which he replied.
DON'T YELL AT ME so there we are.
The complex hired a plumber to come and replace my old tub/shower faucet set (it was very old after all) and this is now how that project sits; someone must come and fix the tile/wall
Now, my water heater was very old and not performing well, so they agreed to replace it, but for him to do so, I had to leave.
I do not trust someone who calls me a liar to my face, so I bought this camera and watched the whole thing to be sure they didn't
- take anything and
- Go anywhere in my apartment not related to the water heater.
During my hour long remote viewing, I saw them bring in the new water heater, make multiple trips out for tools (I mean really, if you know you are going to be replacing a water heater, something you've done many times, wouldn't you know to bring in your pipe wrench, a screwdriver and teflon tape?)
I saw the Helper go off camera to my sliding glass door (he apparently tried to open it, because I have it fixed and I could tell) and he also went to the bathroom DOWN THE HALL)
Then I saw them take out the old one after turning off the light in the kitchen.
When I got home, I checked, the new water heater was indeed new, and was named after me
However, there was very little pressure on the hot water side. It hadn't been too long, so the water wasn't very hot either.
I got down and looked, and the outlet pipe was crimped. (this image is AFTER I straightened it out a bit)
The high pressure/high temp relief/overflow pipe is crimped
And the unit is not grounded properly
There is no overflow pan underneath, so if there is any catastrophic failure, all the nice new carpet they installed before I moved in will be ruined.
But, at least I have hot water now, enough pressure to be able to actively wash my nasty a$$ 😈 and all these nifty photos and videos to document the poor quality of the maintenance at this complex.

"The Events of my Day"
Jerry E Smith
All photos are original.
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko

Jerry E Smith
All photos are original.
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
This .gif was created by @elgeko
With maintenance like that, what does sabotage look like? =.O
That kind of work is tedious, I get that, but it's too bad that it is so often poorly done.
WORK IN MAINTENANCE at the public housing back home.
I've DONE all this myself (well not the wall tile) so I could have done all this, and he KNOWS I KNOW how slack he is.
I've consulted with a few people, the wiring while disturbing, isn't dangerous (to me, it might allow the device to short, requiring a new heater to be installed, and I have the photos to show why)
Ah well, it is what it is, and now I can finally get a HOT shower.Thanks @d-pend, what really galls me, is that (and this is why the guy doesn't like me so much) I used to
Ahhh ok. That makes a lot of sense. I get the feeling some people that work in maintenance rely on the general ignorance of people to do a halfway job. I'm sure he's irritated that you are only too aware of it! Hey, cheers to a hot shower though. For us modern humans, that's gone from a luxury to a necessity! :-D
I have offered to help, free of charge since I am here most of the time these days;
it would give me something to do.
And yes, a hot shower is no longer a luxury, but it will feel like it to me tonight!
I believe you are correct @dumbsteem.