Hey there Steemers .. As my first post, i've decided to answer some questions about what is happening at this fair. The most common idea is that a bunch of men gathers and take pictures..which is partially true . In fact over 1200 brands expose their collections and gather a lot of buyers twice a year. This year Pitti Uomo gathered 30 k buyers compared to 19 k last year . Each edition has a theme, this one was "Boom Pitti Blooms" kinda Flower Power..not really into it,if you ask me ..
Then we have another category which is photographers that have the well defined purpose to take pictures for various publications, each promoting a certain style of clothing.
Then you have the ppl like me, that just wanna inspire,meet ppl from the industry, find out what is new and spread the word .
Clothes don't make the men, they say .. but it does help.
Loving the hats!! cant beat a hipster for a hat!!
Some of them so trendsetter wannabe .. keep it simple and classy :)
Nice job getting your first post out there! I am new to Steemit also, and know it can be a challenge getting started. I'll be looking forward to your next post. :)
thanks,i ll approach #menstyle and #alts... but i thought the first post at least, should to be about the one i m better at. tweets