Dear beautiful teen-lady.
You are gradually growing into such a beauty. My God, I can't believe you were born just yesterday. Look at you blossoming like a rose in the early morning sun. Your beauty makes me speechless.
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Not only are you beautiful, you are so bright as well, full of energy and zest; sometimes I wish I could be like you again and have so little to worry about.
I see you so radiant and then the calls, letters, text messages, dates and requests start coming. Before all these you had already started appreciating the changes in your beautiful body, started appreciating everything that makes you a female and then you have the need for someone totally different from Dad and Mum to appreciate these changes too. Oh how you longed for his affection and attention. If only he could look twice at you, he'd see all these beauty!!
You long to go to that party so that he and the other guy folks can have an extensive look at you in that dress... Oh how you longed for their attention!!
The girls teach you how to get a beat-face, how to cat-walk, how to look "sexy" and even how not to get pregnant! Oh how you want to always be accepted by the girls; Oh how you could die for their approval.
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My love, I'll have you know that you are first of all special, fearfully and wonderfully don't need anyone's approval to be you, to be happy.
Human opinions should not become a priority to you, rather God's opinion should be what matters and be rest assured His opinion of you are everly of love and for your own good.
Life at this age looks like fun but dear you need to be watchful of everything you do, every character you try to assume, every standard you try to meet. The decisions you make today decide your fulfilment in years to come.
The admirations are here already, the compliments come in their numbers... You don't even know which to reply anymore. But these are all frivolities out to steal your time, energy and attention...precious time that you don't have all to yourself.
Let no one despise your youth in anyway. This is the stage of your life where you do exploits and turn yourself into a woman of substance and virtue. Did you know that being a woman of substance and value carefully streamlines the kind of HEs that come close to you? Only HEs of value dare to come close and you have nothing to loose but even more to give. You become an asset.
You become wanted not just for your fine body but for your intelligence and virtue. Your worth is far more than rubies, diamonds, pounds, dollars and Euros.
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I know you may say ITS A LONG SHOT but I bet you, it's a worthy shot.
You may say LET ME ENJOY NOW THAT I'M CHANCED but my dear, would you enjoy while being totally dependent on your parents, why not work to build your own empire and enjoy what you worked for however you want to enjoy it? Trust me independence comes with good freedom.
Train and groom yourself. Set yourself apart from the lot. Do more for yourself than be a tool for sexual satisfaction for they'll only enjoy your honey without regards for the source. Don't be an empty vessel. Let your existence have a purpose.
You are not wired just for the kitchen and sexual satisfaction of the "He".
Know your self-worth.
Trust me when theres a balance between your beauty and your brains... You will only have to choose from quality HEs...HEs of substance and value just like you have become.
I may sound old, but it hurts to see you-the future waste away in the name of enjoyment and vanity. You can be more!
I'm not perfect, neither are you, we have all made mistakes, my God, we have failed at so many things but we can't fail forever, not when we rise up, review our strategies and try again. We are not quitters. So even if you've made mistakes, don't make them again; rise up and move on.
Become a woman of virtue, a woman of valor, a woman of substance.
We can do this....lets shock the world with the fact that we can be more.
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At this point, I'd really like to say thank you to everyone who takes time to read my post.
Please upvote, comment, resteem... And follow my blog!
I'd really like to get your thoughts on life's issues.
Love you loads!!
I'll be bringing in more messages and I've made a list of people who really inspire me on this platform... And I know this list can only get longer.
Thank you so much
Please note the list above are individuals whose simple comments and post have inspired me in one way or the other.. And I know there are many more people like that.
I don't regret mentioning you guys and I love the fact that you see things as they are and speak up for what's right.
Love you guys!!!
@chbartist @rynow @blessed-girl @darlenys01 @coolguy222 @Juanmanuellopez1 @certain) @wems @praditya @atlingz @midgeteg@vickykarma @lexymaine @brightsun@sanjoea
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