Nearing the end of day 4 currently. In case you haven't read the first post, this is my schedule:
Sleep block - 11 pm to 5 am
Nap block - 1 pm to 1:20 pm
Day 3
Today was rather easy, I might say it was the easiest thus far, no issues whatsoever. As such I don't really have anything to say. I spent the day posting lolicon on gab and getting blocked by people on twitter. Nothing special relating to this post.
Day 4
Day four, however, was difficult waking up. I felt extremely tired, but after a while I became more energized. I ended up not paying attention to the time as I drew and ended up missing the nap block, but I went to sleep at 1:20 instead. It was a 20 minute difference, so I don't think it will effect anything. Hopefully I didn't fuck this up entirely because I was drawing. I have set an alarm to go off 5 minutes before 1, so it will not likely happen again.
That's all I have for now. I'm currently tired and I've still got a few hours to go. At least it's not as bad as the first day.