in #lifestyle7 years ago

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I know y’all be saying this dude love Eagles.. Hell yeah i do love the creature... here am going to tell you an interesting story about the eagle and chicken.. You won’t wanna miss this for anything!
There was an eagle who lost an egg one day, and as fate would have it, the tiny eagle egg was found by a hen. She took the egg home to the chicken coop and sat on it with all the loving patience of an incipient mother. A few weeks later the eggs was hatched, and out stepped a tiny eagle. The tiny bird had an eagle history, eagle genes, eagle chromosomes, eagle power, and eagle potential. But because he was born into chicken environment, he grew up thinking he was a chicken. He grew up dreaming chicken dreams and thinking chicken thoughts and playing chicken games and entertaining chicken ambitions.
In fact, he was even made to feel ashamed of his eagle features. You see, even though he didn’t know who he was, the other birds in the barnyard did. They met among themselves and said, “We’ve got to keep this bird thinking that he’s a chicken, because if he ever finds out that he’s an eagle, he’ll rule over us.”
As a result, the little bird became ashamed of his eagle heritage and eagle features. The other birds made fun of his mighty eagle beak, because they had a little thin, narrow, weak chicken beaks. They also made fun of his talons, because they possessed weak, tiny, scrawny chicken feet. And he became ashamed of the richness of his cosmetic surgery. He thought about cutting off half of his beak more like the chickens. Ironically, his greatest ambition in life was to one day hop, skip, and jump up on the fence post to cockle-doodle-do at daybreak like the rooster.
But one day, when this confused bird was playing in the barnyard, he saw deep dark contours of a mighty shadow swim across the ground. For the first time in his life, this little lost bird looked higher than the fence post, higher than the tree line, and saw the remarkable sight of an adult eagle in full flight –with all of its majesty, grace, and power.
The little lost bird was transfixed. He said to himself, “Wow! I sure wish I could be like that.”
The adult eagle perceived dilemma of the little lost bird and swooped down from the stratospheric heights and said, “Boy, you ain’t no chicken. You’re an Eagle! Your mighty talons were not meant to rake and scrape on the ground for worms and feed, but to snatch the craggy side of yonder mountain of achievement.
“Boy,” he repeated, “you ain’t no chicken. You’re an eagle! Your eagle eye was not meant to be limited to the narrow confines of the barnyard but to seek out the distant horizon of your own unfulfilled potential, and spread your wings as you catch the lofty winds of your immeasurable genius. You ain’t no chicken –you’re an eagle!”


Each of us could benefit from this tale. Success lies with the man or woman who is undisturbed by appearances or circumstances. An individual never reaches heights above his or her habitual thought. It is not enough, now and then, to mount on wings and soar into the infinite. We must habitually dwell there. Greatness rests easily at the pinnacle of the mount of achievement where others dare to rise. Negative conditions begin to melt once we make statements of truth regarding our potential . a sudden flash of realization propels us into a new environment. In other words, it is of little consequence what has transpired in your past. Neither the universe nor anyone cares what you’ve failed to accomplish. It is of small value if you were raised in a chicken home in the heart of a chicken neighbourhood and associated with chicken friends. It doesn’t really matter if, during your childhood, you attended chicken schools and were taught by chicken teachers who shared chicken lessons. I see no reason to worry if you completed your studies and now a tout a chicken degree that helped you land a chicken job, where you report to a chicken supervisor. Remember, don’t think chicken thoughts and don’t dream chicken dreams. You’re an eagle!.

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Creativity is an ability given to us at birth, and thankfully, it cannot be lost. Creativity only goes into hiding and lies dormant from the lack of use. It can be tapped and revitalized upon demand. You need only accept the idea that you still possess what you were given at birth –the inherent wisdom, intelligence, and creativity that constitute your particular brand of genius. Creative genius is the forging of the new, or the rearranging of the old in a novel and exciting way. It represents the actualization of human potential and the creative energy of your subconscious mind. It contains the wisdom of the past, the understanding of the present, and the vision of the future. If you wish to explore your full potential and identify new opportunities for high achievement, you must challenge your creative powers; you must stretch to new limits and explore the possibilities.
You're not a chicken 🐔.. You're an Eagle!