Shapes - How your thoughts shape your life

in #lifestyle7 years ago

In my attempts to read more, I spent a lot of time recently learning about the Stoic ethics.

To sum it up, the Stoics claim there are four key virtues that a person should strive to in order to be happy: wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation. (If you're keen to learn more, there's a great article here.)

I try to pay attention to all the little things I do throughout the day and compare it with these virtues.

Do I react impulsively when someone points out a mistake I made? Am I being selfish when I'm choosing a restaurant for a family lunch based on my food preference? Do I have a reasonable right to ask for a salary increment or am I just being greedy? Am I being resourceful when I schedule meetings at work or am I wasting my colleagues' time? Am I telling my honest opinion when my friend asks for an advice? Do I treat the cleaner in the local gym with the same level of kindness as my dear ones? Am I staying away from gossip, grumpiness and procrastination?


By shaping my thoughts I shape my actions. I approach every new task with confidence instead of fear of failure. I plan it out and I ask for help when I don't have the capacity to finish it by myself. I can breathe far easier. And I'm happy.


I like your way of thinking pentiction. Even psychologist use the power of thoughts to cure their patient. I totally agree with you. Thay you for the fruitful article

It is good to be greedy when you want to increase your earnings

I am glad to know that you are happy. I think you are right in your position.

Hello friend how are you, I love this writing the solotu questions you have answers no one will tell you how to do your things more than yourself if you are happy is what matters

Your comment is very successful, only you can give your own reasoning and make your own decisions, and very interesting that as a person, you can fall, but you have the integrity to correct your mistakes, raise yourself higher, and follow your path. I congratulate you. @penticton

Happiness in doing things is all that matters and to stay that we should remember that in that process no one gets hurt.

I like reading your post Pentiction, thank you! We all should try to react and think in this way, and we will all be more happy.

Do not overthink. Life is simple and beautiful. Just follow your heart.

Hej, kot bi poslušala misli v svoji glavi ... še ena sorodna duša. Res je, če smo pozorni na ljudi okoli sebe ... vedno vemo, da smo dali od sebe najboljše in ta občutek je res nagrajujoč, pa tudi odziv ljudi okoli nas je velikokrat lepši, bolj pozitiven ... če pa včasih mogoče le ni, pa vemo, da je z naše strani bilo vse okej. Mi je pa zelo všeč tale tvoj zaključek posta. Si ga bom poskusila zapomniti. Aja, pa čestitke za vajino šesto obletnico 😉 💐