Dandruff will be removed in green way!!!

in #lifestyle7 years ago


Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems. At present, anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner cubes are seen in advertisements. But they are apparently useful, but the effect of the vulnerability is left in the hair. But in ancient times the green materials derived from nature but dandruff was removed, which is very effective. Find out the natural solutions to remove dandruff-Not only in the prevention of dandruff, Lemon is an element that is used in various hair care procedures. Mix lemon juice with warm coconut oil and massage it on your head skin. Lemon contains antibacterial elements and coconut oil contains antinaphmatic material, which plays a role in preventing any type of fungus. To remove dandruff, you can use a mixture of these two materials for two consecutive weeks.Positives play an important role in removing dandruff through natural means. If there is too much dandruff on the head skin, add lemon juice to the skull and keep it in half an hour. It's very good cleaner. It can clean skin and hair very well. Moreover, it keeps the scalp cool and brings back the lost humidity of the hair.There is no pair of nymphs as a natural solution for hair and skin. As per the hair requirement, add lemon juice mixed with nit juice to scalp. Wash after 30 minutes. Use twice a week for better results.

If you want to use lemons, not just use coconut oil to lighten the skin and apply it on your head skin. Massage in such a way that the oil reaches every corner of the hair. Drying slowly decreased gradually after washing the broth oil before sleeping in the morning and after washing it in the morning.Apple Cider Vinegar is very useful to eliminate dandruff. Apply two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in hot water with the help of a cottbill on the head skin. Also boil a cup of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water and a few mint leaves together. If you are cold, dry the skin on the head skin. Then wash it with water. Vinegar does not only bring back the losing hair, but it is completely dry-free with hair.Amalaki has been used for hair care since ancient times. To remove the dandruff, bamalki and tulsi bamate together with hair. Wash after 30 minutes.There are many Indoor Plants in your house as Green Conscious person. If you do not have Aloe Vera, then keep Alovers as a domestic tree. Because, from one side, Alovers keep the air of the house pure, but it also removes dandruff. Before sleeping, apply scalp and full hair aloe. Wash the next morning.Beautiful and dandruff hair fenugreek have been used long ago. Put the body on the scalp in the morning and put it on the back of the head. Wash after 30-40 minutes. The use of fenugreek helps prevent hair loss.