A Powerful Method for Boosting Your Energy

in #lifestyle5 years ago


Barış Özcan is a Turkish YouTuber that tells stories about art, technology, and design. I watched this video about sleep and coffee recently and found it quite interesting that I wanted to share it with you.

He offers a different model for having your midday nap by combining the effect of caffeine and sleep that he calls Coffsleep. To elaborate, when we drink coffee, it takes approximately 20 minutes for caffeine to affect our brain and wake us up. When you drink a coffee and sleep immediately afterward for 15-25 minutes, it will boost your energy since in those 20 minutes both the sleep and caffeine you took will be at work. As a result, when you wake up, you will feel much more energetic and refreshed. However, it is important to note that the coffee you drink for this should not be a big amount but rather a small one so that you finish it quickly and don't lose any time in the intersection of caffeine and sleep times.

I think it is worth trying!