In such case. Please, in order to confirm your authorship of the content. Please make a mention about Steemit or add a hyperlink to Steemit on your site:
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More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup
In such case. Please, in order to confirm your authorship of the content. Please make a mention about Steemit or add a hyperlink to Steemit on your site:
Thank you!
More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup
The information about my steemit profile is entered into my blog page of my personal website.
OK, we have found it. Thank you for the confirmation!
I'm sorry but we cannot seem to find it on the website. Which part of the site is it added in?
Here is the link to the blogpage where my Steemit profile is mentioned. Section: AUTHOR: http://www.sapphiria.com/blog---en