Yeah it's one of those things, just burnt into the social fabric so much it's hard to break out of it. We and our close network opt for the nude beach over "normal" beaches if they are available. It's an instant lesson in "being happy in your own skin" and not judging anyone else by body type.
People forget that up until around 1903-ish ( I forget the exact year) men HAD to wear shirts to the beach and cover their chests in public. It was brought to court, and of course in the male-dominated world, men we allowed to go shirtless, but the law still forced women to cover up. Even then it took years for it to be publicly acceptable to see men shirtless.
We still have friends who are attached to bras like they are protective gear. Openly admitting they are not "big" enough to require support, but the only defense for continuing to wear them is "because we're supposed to". It's an answer I have problems with.
It's going to take time and effort to break free of it all.