Nothing more beautiful?.... You can't think of a single thing?
I don't think your mother would like this post... but hey, 100% upvote for some great pictures.
Nothing more beautiful?.... You can't think of a single thing?
I don't think your mother would like this post... but hey, 100% upvote for some great pictures.
LOL...this is her mother, and yup I approve. If she can stop at -20 C weather on her way to her University lecture and take these picture, she is demonstrating that she is indeed a true HARDY Canadian.
Bahaha! Thanks mom! This was great! I guess if you would rather her say the flag is more beautiful than you then I can't deny her the right to say so! :P
Wow -20 really?!?!? Geez! I think I will keep my 82 here in Southern Cali.
Thanks for the reply, it made me laugh! :D
Gotta love the canadians, we get a lot of them around here because of the nice weather. Always good people..... well most of them. ;)
I believe the meaning behind the flag in the pictures is what makes it so beautiful. Canadian flags remind me of my freedom, my rights and the fact that I am a Canadian which I am incredibly grateful for, my mother would agree! However, I definitely do appreciate the upvote!:)
Here have another one, and I gave your mother one too because you both seem awesome.
Yea, I think Canada is a pretty awesome country and would love to spend some time there when it isn't so cold. ;)
Thanks for the reply, and the post! Keep that sense of pride it bodes you well! :D
I am reminded of it every time I go to SuperStore. They play with your heart strings with the flag out front, then jack up the bread prices when we least expected it. God bless Canada.
Love @gardengirlcanada's response lol...