Reflections: What's my value...

Starting next Friday I hired a practice room on a weekly basis. This room is very nice and it definitely feels like a place were I could do my practice as 'Cellular Transition Practitioner´.

It has everything I need. A table, some chairs and a desk. Very close to what I visualized a few months ago.

But now I am facing the part. "How do I get some clients". With some resistance to use Big Tech social media platforms or "the need" to put myself out there. Unfortunately I can´t avoid them, still most people use them and as a starter in a new work field I need some warm leads.

My previous job as a freelancer was easy, I had lot's of connections, there aren´t enough technicians in the field. So I just had to call or send an email and I had enough work for a few months.

This is different. There is no middle man, there is no 'fixer'. I have to do this on my own and make a name.

One of my struggles was describing what I do. How do you describe something, that's new, and for something they don't teach in schools or other educational platforms?

I used to start with saying "I find it difficult to describe what I do, it has a bit of this and a bit of that. But not completely, there is no training for what I do. You just have to experience it.¨

The more I am talking about it, sharing and feeling. The more I get a clear picture in my mind.

When you schedule an appointment with me, with the Motivation Monk. You are going to have an unique experience. First I vitalize your aura and chakra's followed by bodywork. Sometimes I make a little joke in my head. "When you have a wound, you are going to disinfect it, right?" Aura and chakra vitalizing is my tool to clean the 'wound'. Like a surgeon, who's using iodine or alcohol before a cut.

The body work is to activate cell memories. The nervous systems senses a signal, this goes to your brain and unconsciously or consciously, you start transforming that memory. By processing it to let go or if it's an happy memory you keep it.

What makes me unique?

For a start. So far I haven´t met anyone who does what I do, neither does my friends. This makes it a bit challenging as well. Can I live to my word, that I am truly unique and gifted like no-one else?

Second. I read the spinal cord.. With a few touches you can get into a regression or there is a block lifted. This is the bodywork.

Third I see the meridians, nerve system and energy points. If I do my best I can even visualize your brain with the correlated 'dis-ease'and make adjustment there.

With all this knowledge, there is also a big responsibility. How do I stay 'clean from noise' or how do I stay pure? How do I 'secure' the space if I am traveling with you?

First of all I need to know my self very well. I need to know my limits, my body, my feelings and my mind. There were a few times I had to stop an treatment, due too much noise and interference inside and around me. I stopped, secured my space and made sure I still was grounded so I could continue.

My question is, how many practitioner are aware of their energy and the interference? Do they stop or do they continue? Or if they notice the interference, why continue? What is the intention of treatment? Believe me, there are many out there who aren´t always aligned with your needs. I have seen them, I have met them and I had to undo what they did. - Everything happens for a reason.

Anyway I am drifting away from my story.



My new business cards arrived today. Which made me very happy!

Last week I put my website online (its in dutch).

I had to make a Facebook page, instagram page and a telegram group.. (Why...?) And I am thinking about to create a Hive page for my practice.

Today I was working on making a flyer. It needs a few adjustments. But basically it would look like this. - GIMP and INKSCAPE are currently my friends. Maybe not the easiest way, I just like to learn a few skills with opensource software :-) Also I moved to Nextcloud and using TALK as an alternative for MS Teams or Zoom :-)


Anyway this whole process is putting me in process to acknowledge myself and embrace that I do have to give something to the world with unique gifts.

So yeah I do have a little celebration and enjoying this whole new step :-)

If you are curious about what I do. Just visit my site, translate a bit or just send me an email :-)


thank you for reading and have a wonderful day, night and week!
