Kindness Can Become Contagious

in #lifestyle5 months ago

I was working in Amarillo, I thought I would try some Long John Silvers for lunch. As I was sitting there, this gentleman came in and asked the lady at the register for a cup to put some water in. With a big smile she politely said yes and handed him a cup.

He was standing there enjoying the air conditioning and his water when she came out with a huge plate of food. I try not to judge a book by its cover but, he looked like he had no money and was probably very hungry. He sat down and started eating.

I got up to refill my coke and told the kind lady just how cool that was and thank you. She said the manager gave her permission. I asked if I could snap a photo and told them thanks again.

I’ve always loved Long John’s and this was just the cherry on top. The manager said “folks have been calling me Captain my whole life”

So a HUGE “THANK YOU” to CAPTAIN and the wonderful staff at the Ross location. You folks are a real Class Act and I will definitely be returning.

I wish more places would do the same instead of tossing the food they don’t sell in the garbage.