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RE: The Weekly Zekely - Quite the week!

Mask Mandates have become elective for local businesses as things seem to be speeding back to normal, or another lockdown. I am ready to make the most out of either. I love the personal choice on mask wearing assuming we are out of the worst of it and the hospitals can handle the spread of a community dropping its guard. Those wearing a mask are not sheep or scared, they are careful. Those not wearing masks are not in denial, they are leading the way back to normal and can still be careful.

aka @davedickeyyall STFU.. You're input is not needed lol

We need video of you rocking dat guitar..

At least the dog is prepared to be in deep shit....

Way to not make us wait 3 months for a Weekly blog 😁😄🤣


Haha all true except the STFU part.

Where will be rockin for sure!