During school lessons, teachers encourage you to move as much as possible until sweating. Therefore, such subjects usually leave students outdoors, such as the field.
Unwittingly, how to get sweat has been taught since school first. Well, right now, what's in it for sweat?
Talk about it, it turns on every hour, the average human can produce sweat one to three liters. In fact, launch from medlineplus.gov , the human body has sektar two to five million sweat glands that work under the skin.
The cause of sweating is also determined by physiological characteristics, including age and sex, room temperature, intensity during exercise, anxiety, and being overweight.
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Do not Be Afraid of Sweating, Fortunately Many!
Monday, September 18, 2017 | 13:08 hrs
Illustration of people sweating
Illustration of people sweating
KOMPAS.com - During school lessons, teachers encourage you to move as much as possible until sweating. Therefore, such subjects usually leave students outdoors, such as the field.
Unwittingly, how to get sweat has been taught since school first. Well, right now, what's in it for sweat?
Talk about it, it turns on every hour, the average human can produce sweat one to three liters. In fact, launch from medlineplus.gov , the human body has sektar two to five million sweat glands that work under the skin.
The cause of sweating is also determined by physiological characteristics, including age and sex, room temperature, intensity during exercise, anxiety, and being overweight.
Exercise and heat are the most common causes of sweat because the main task of sweat comes out, namely to cool the body. However, sweating bodies are often complained about making themselves uncomfortable and damaging appearance.
Nevertheless do not always upset when sweating, especially after doing a lot of physical activity. Some of the benefit compiled here:
Against germs
A group of researchers found that the sweat glands produce a natural antibiotic fighting bacteria called dermcidin. Researchers from the University of California , Tomas Ganz said, bacteria thrive during hot and humid conditions. Therefore, dermcidin can limit these developments and mengeranasi risk of infection.
Unfortunately, protection from these antibiotics can be reduced if you take too long a bath after sweating. It was concluded in the journal pnas.org .
Helps recovery of wounds
Sweat also has an important role in the process of wound closure. It was said by Assistant Professor of Dermatology Researcher, Laure Rittie of the University of Michigan . Sweat glands, called this study, proved to have the power to heal wounds faster.
It is described that the eccrine glands store adult stem cells that can take rapid action when a wound occurs. Various injuries that can be healed, including scratches, burns, and ulcers.
Make happy
Know, sweat can increase happiness. Unfortunately, not just any sweat that comes out can cause this flavor.
Sweat in question must come from sports activities or physical activity outside which can increase endorphin hormone levels in the body.
Launch of lifehacks.org , Thursday (08/25/2016), the level of endorphins the body will experience an increase when finding the right activity to make your brain opium. Then, you become satisfied after the sweat finally came out.
Helps kidney performance
The release of sweat reduces the amount of salt and calcium present in the urine and kidneys, thereby decreasing the risk of kidney stone formation. In addition, much sweating also thirsts and encourages you to drink more, which also has the same effect.
A study in 2013 from the American Society of Nephrology found that small amounts of physical activity and reduced calorie intake could reduce the risk of developing kidney stones by 31 percent. Therefore, it's ok if you sweat a little while more often prioritize walking every day.
Therefore, many people make the expression of sports activity as "how to look for sweat". In the midst of busy do not forget to spend time exercising to stay healthy.
Light jogging or walking with a simple routine, for example, can make your body sweat. To add to the spirit of exercise, play music with a fast beat on the phone.
In addition, if you want to appear more fresh and vibrant during the sport, note also the appearance. Choose outfits that remain trendy and stylish, including your luggage.
For example, in addition to bringing the phone as a music player for the animator, select also the stylish and trendy design. Material mobile phone made of metal, can be the main choice.
Therefore, it will add to the impression of your strong spirit in achieving positive things through exercise. In addition, to be easy to carry anywhere, choose also a comfortable body design grip,for example. Well, stylish appearance and trendy so be more complete
So, by looking at the many benefits, of course you do not need to lose confidence when sweating, is not it?
Nice post mahyul! Following you..
Nice post !