in #lifeverse7 years ago


Thanks for the nomination @paradise-found!

I've been meaning to do this one for a while now, but never got around to it until today. It was actually eleven long days ago that @paradise-found nominated me to participate in this one. Thanks for being patient!


Seriously, asking someone for their favorite Bible verse in my opinion is like looking our over a vast field of marvelous flowers and asking someone which one they like best. With so many powerful, true, and inspiring verses to choose from, where does one even begin?

Over my walk with the Lord these past eleven years, a lot of things in my life have changed, and changed again. Certain verses really stick out and mean a lot at various times, and even the ones that don't can still be incredibly applicable. At the moment though, my life is on a certain path. I'm trying to shed a lot of the mental strongholds that society and culture saturate us with. I'm trying to avoid whatever presuppositions that I can and just look at things from God's point of view. This transitional state that I'm in has lasted for years already, and we've got a ways to go. It has required us to give up a lot, but we've gained so much more. In this current journey, the following verse (half really) has meant a lot to me.

"For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:8b)

This is applicable on so many levels, and has given me great hope as we persevere and press on. A lot of my life seems to be theory sometimes, but I'm going to trust what God says and stick with that!


I'm not really one for nominating others, so I'll open this can of worms and offer it up to everyone! If anyone out there has not participated in this thread yet and would like to share your favorite verse, just go for it! If anyone tries to give you any grief or asks who nominated you, just tell them that @papa-pepper did!

The original post from @csalupado can be found by clicking here, but the "rules" seem simple.

  • Nominate a friend or just simply post yours once you have read this post!

  • Insert a photo or write your favorite bible verse and share to us the reason behind it!

  • @csalupado would love to read your favorite verse so please mention @csalupado in your comment section or use #lifeverse when posting.

Until next time…

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I will just put mine here for others to read. As a young man still trying to plant his feet and build his little hut on earth here. This verse always come in handy when deciding what to do;

seest thou a man who is diligent in his service, he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men - Proverbs 22:29

Proverbs 22:29 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
If you do your job well,
you will work for a ruler
and never be a slave.

Thank you so much for sharing your favorite verse, @lordjames!
I am going to contemplate on this and will see how this one applies to my work and also to my duty as a daughter of God. May God bless you more!

Nice! Our dentist has that one on his wall!

This is one of my favorite verses in the Word of God. As the apostle Paul His grace should be sufficient, in our weakness (poverty, disease, etc) the power of God becomes visible, either to get us out of this problem or because he makes us capable of resisting, without ceasing to praise his name. Only his grace is sufficient.

2 Corinthians 12: 9 King James Version 1960 (RVR 1960)
9 and he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that it rests on the power of Christ.
@papa-pepper @csapulado

I love this verse! Like you said, there are so many, even all of the Bible is great. I may do the challenge later, but my favorite is 2 Cor 5:17 , but also all the way to verse 21.
All because God changed my life so much that, thank God, I am not the man I used to be.
“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, the old has passed away and the new has come. And all things are of God.” Verse 21 “He made Him (Jesus) to be sin, Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him!
My family, and the whole world is better off without the person I used to be. And the Good News, He is still working on me!
Thanks @papa-pepper, @csalupado

Good choice! I love that too!

My family, and the whole world is better off without the person I used to be.

I know that one personally! True story!

saturation is an unfavorable trait in living a life, preferably this nature is kept away so as not to make someone carried away to the negative

Post Beautiful

I love it. Manifested. Literally came to destroy darkness!

Amen to that! Also, that 60 looks nice on you! Is that new?

Thank you. It is new! Within this last week. It is a great representation of some really hard work!

The one thing that Christ wants to destroy is the work of the Slanderer (Satan) after the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden!

The LORD is my shepherd, I will not miss anything 2In places of green pastures he makes me rest beside the waters of rest he leads me ...

That's a good one too!

Great one @papa-pepper
We are truly FREE by Christ sacrifice


I agree, how on earth do you pick ONE favorite verse?!
I like the one you selected. :)

Thanks! It is tough, and there are sooo many....

I'm working on mine right now @papa-pepper! Great verse you chose!! So glad the prince of darkness has been snuffed out in your life! Much love.

Amen to that! Hallelujah!

Great job on yours too! I love me some Philippians!

@jhoni has read all post @papa-pepper is very beautiful, hope @papa-pepper is always healthy and happy

I do hear my late father say that Bible is synonymous to our daily activities, I guess we can't neglect the efficacy of each verses no matter how we cherish some over the other. Thank you for joining finally @papa-pepper lol.

Wow, @papa-pepper, you never struck me as a religious man, but then how would I have known, I must confess that this particular bible verse also inspires, motivates and gives me hope that no matter the raging battles from the enemy, that the Son has already been manifesto destroy the works of the devil and not just that, also make a public show of them.
Thanks for sharing and for nominating all of us.

Excellent! Plus, now you know that I love the Lord!

Oh yes, and I have also reacted to your nomination. You can find my own favorite Bible verse here

Wow how amazing. I'm so encouraged right now. Thanks for this @papa-pepper

Thank you for throwing it open for us all again, Papa. Definitely doing this.

Didn't know this was a thing. Like much. :)

And #steemchurch. That's wow.

Yup, some good things going on around here!

I love your verse!! It really is meaningful to me as well!!
I think you are right, at different times, different verses have extra meaning.
Depending on where we are in our lives.
God bless you brother!!

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have life to the full. John 10:10

I hope it's not yet too late to express how thankful I am for your support @papa-pepper! I've been through some struggles these past few days and haven't been online for too long.

1 John 3:8b is a powerful verse which reminds us of God's love and purpose of giving us His Son. Indeed, works of the devil are being destroyed and I'm praying and hoping that all of us here on earth will continue to possess God's love and attain peace wherever we are. May God bless you more and your family, @papa-pepper! <3

Thank you @luckypower! I'm glad that you liked it.