This is an amazing idea for a thread here on Steemit.
My good friend @csalupado started it and nominated me.
I have many favorite verses, but one that really touches me is:
2 Chronicles 16:9a For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Whenever I need strength, or whenever I feel down, I know that the Lord God is always watching His own. This gives me comfort when I need it most.
You can enjoy her wonderful post here.Thank you my @csalupado for starting this initiative!!
I nominate @bloghound, @escuetapamela, @long888 and @papa-pepper to participate next!!

Wow,thats beautiful ,God is our strength and refugee,Psalms 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
What a beautiful verse! Thanks for your support papa bear! I’ll take note of this verse from now on.
Enjoy your stay in your paradise! God bless <3
La biblia es muy reconfortante :)
I like religious and thankful people who shows their gratitude to Almighty and follow their religious holy book and obey every words. @paradise-found
Papa Bear! Just got back from the beach and power just got back on. Thank you for tagging me again. I will do my best to come up with something. The bible verse you quoted above reminds us how tiny we are in the world that God is above all things. Sis @csalupado this is an amazing challenge. Thank you for spreading God's words. One love <3
Thank you so much sis @bloghound! <3
Though I am Muslim but I truly love the message of Bible and Jesus Christ and guess what my future wife gonna be a Christian too.
What a beautiful verse! Thanks for your support papa bear! your good work bro.
This is nice I hope someone will nominate me soon.
I edited and you are nominated my good friend!!
Are we doing another essay contest?
God bless you!!
Thank you so much, my friend, @bloghound also nominated me so I did submit my entry.
I am thinking to have another round of the essay contest, I will talk to you on discord...I will just leave a message if you're busy.
Have a nice day and God bless!
Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.@paradise-found. I love that scripture too! I’ve always thought the scripture where Jesus is talking to the Samaritan woman at the well to be a New Testament version of this verse.
God bless!
Daddy William
What a comforting verse, Papa Bear. Truly, God is the strength of my life.
I really love this verse too. He's the source of our existence. I thank Him for His adoption as a son into His royal family. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Check this verse too
I'm waiting on the Lord for strength and He will surely provide. The only thing that matters is our stance before him. Whether we saved or not. Once a person is saved, His Father Won't Leave him for the devil to manipulate.
If we set our eyes upon Him, we will have his nature in us and he'll streghten us to walk in his ways
Amen. That verse is so encouraging, Papa Bear :-) God bless you and your wonderful family. :-) <3
That is an encouraging verse. We must always remember that God is working for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28. If we commit ourselves to God then He will take care of us. Of that, there is no doubt.
True, God's eyes searches to and fro the earth and knows all His children. He always delivers to the utmost and will never forsake us.
A wonderful verse to reflect on.thanks for sharing papa bear !!! Let us spread the good news in steemit :)
Praise the Almighty Father!
I am very thankful that you nominated me here Papi. :D
I will post my verse soon.
Your words are very timely and relevant, everyone need to read this. :)
I just did mine!