This post is about day 6 of the #LightTheWorld challenge. The 25 days leading up to Christmas.
The theme of today was culled from Matthew 7:1
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
With this verse our Lord Jesus; It teaches us that we should not judge others, we should love one another, forgive, do good and help those in need.
This verse links him to Matthew 22: 39. Love your neighbor as yourself.
If we love our neighbor as ourselves, we will not judge him under any circumstances.
There are many situations in which we live day by day with the people around us, looking at what we do to judge ourselves, there are many people who do not know how to live together (I do not exclude myself from this situation, I am not perfect). This is a problem that confronts us every day.
More in our classroom with our students, where without knowing the situation of our students we judge them without measure. It also exists among the children themselves, in which they spend their time judging their peers by their way of acting, always looking at what they are doing; go with the teacher to tell him.
Teachers should lead by example, we should never talk about other teachers in front of our students, we should lead by example.
But what is the attitude when we judge someone and we are not right or we are judged?
Let's see this story that I witnessed at my work site. It was a Monday afternoon, the day was very busy, many teachers missed the class, the Director was very upset because she did not find what to do with the children. After 1 hour of beginning the class, two teachers attend and went to the address to notify them that they were already in the institution, the wordless one offended them and, judging from their delay, one of the teachers tried to defend themselves, while the other she asked for forgiveness and retired to her class (the principal did not remember that she had been asked for permission to conduct an evaluation with the phoniatrist, required by the Institution and that she herself had approved the permit). Minutes later, the Director approached the teacher's classroom and asked for forgiveness and also brought him lunch. It is very good when we rectify our mistakes.
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