I think we can all do with improvement in the area of loving our neighbours as ourselves.
If we ever hope to overcome or evolved natures... that natural tendency to thinking of self and our own survival or comfort first... then learning to put others needs above our own is a crucial first step.
It starts with simple things.
The #LightTheWorld campaign website makes the following suggestions for Day 4
Jesus told us to love our neighbors. Whether our “neighbors” live next door or in another country, we can show Christlike love for them through service.
How well do you know your next-door neighbor?
Take a moment to have a meaningful conversation with him or her.Do families in your community give out neighbor gifts during the Christmas holiday?
See if your neighbors would be willing to forgo the gifts this year and instead put the money toward a meaningful cause.Who in your neighborhood is forgotten during Christmas?
Pay them a visit, and deliver some goodies.
These suggestions are not really difficult and I am sure you can come up with ones that are as relevant to your own set of circumstances.
In the comments please don't share with us necessarily what you did, but how it made you feel.
Yesterday we had some great contributions from the community and I have been voting lots of interactions and a couple of posts from the #lighttheworld hashtag
I will continue monitoring the #lighttheworld hashtag and will be throwing all spare voting power in that direction, to comments and posts.
If you decide to participate using your own top level post, please just insert the days video, theme and link, as I have done. The rest is up to you and lets see how creative and positive a contribution we can all make.
This is the one, from the community, I gave the biggest vote for day 3.
Oh man this is a great one! Our next door neighbor never married and does not have children. She is a very kind senior citizen. Today after school I will ask my kids what we can do for her today. Thanks for spreading the word to #lighttheworld!
Great idea! Hi there ... I am new to Steemit but not at all new to social media. Your post is well-deserving of my first comment on this crypto-website ... my first ever crypto-website to be a member of. I am thankful for having been accepted into this community and I'm thankful to run into this inspirational post and your comment! So thank you and what goes around comes around <3
Thanks! You should try one of these posts. We need as many participants as we can get.
A great post and I believe that treating our neighbors the way they deserve, we make them only worse. Touching them as if they are better than what they really are, we make them get better. Thank you @gavvet
A powerful sentiment; if we all got what we deserved ... well, let's just be glad that we don't all get what we deserve in this life. In the meantime, yes we should treat people better than we think they deserve -- heck, better than they think they deserve. Being treated as trustworthy makes us want to be worthy of trust.
We can all make each other better. A very good derivation of @gavvet's post.
This is surely brilliant. We are encouraged to give always, but if you havent been giving, this is an opportunity.
Businesses have many ways they can organize donations to worthy causes. If your company is large enough, a foundation may be an effective long-term way to share a portion of your company’s success with the community. Even if that is too large an undertaking, it may still make sense for your company to have a charitable giving committee. A standing committee helps manage the company’s donations, plus it involves staff in a “feel good” service. If a donation pool is budgeted at the beginning of the year, and a committee is in place, the company can quickly respond to emergencies caused by natural disasters and other unanticipated events, as well as have a plan for ongoing gifts. So we all have ways we can contribute to those in need, nobody is the exempted and as you do so, Philippians 4:19. “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” ... Just like @gavvet said, different strategies work in different locations.
This is an awesome project. Am surely going to be a part of it.
The thing most people fail to realize is that
Children love to receive gifts but we forget that they also love to give gifts also.
You would be doing them and yourself a big favor if you inculcate this habit into them now that they are young, and help them realize they can make a difference.
An idea in this line would be to bake and take Christmas cakes and cookies to nursing and retirement homes. While you’re there, sing a few Christmas carols.
This would be a memory worth remembering all the days of their lives, a feeling money can never buy.
An awesome awesome concept. There's no better way to spend the Christmas season, than giving. #lighttheworld is a wonderful initiative.
Most of the time, we see giving as transferring something physical, but I feel there are other ways we could carryout giving.
The most precious gift you can offer the needy this time of year is your time. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated during the holiday season. Take a few hours out of your week and donate your time to local shelter programs, soup kitchens or other organizations that are overwhelmed with requests for assistance this time of year.
This form of giving is truly priceless. Keep on the good work @gavvet.
Great post showing real life ways to put these verses into action. Reading the Bible and knowing the verses is only the first step. "Putting skin on the verses" by putting them into action is often the more difficult step.
Thanks @gavvet for this initiative. Its well welcomed.
You know, a lot of people might say they don't have enough money to buy gifts for others, and stuff like that. But people prefer the very little things of life. For instance whether it’s the elderly couple whose driveway needs shoveling or the single mom who could use a mother’s helper, you probably have someone on your own block who could use a hand. Your family may be able to offer the lifeline they need during the holiday season.
With little funds, you could start a holiday tradition of allocating a certain amount of money for each child to give to a charity of their choice. Make the money one of the kids’ gifts under the tree or in their stocking on Christmas morning in the form of a homemade gift certificate.
So there is no excuse, everyone has something to give.
If we truly follow all the teachings of Jesus, message of peace will prevail.
مرحبا صديقى @gavvet كيف حالك امل ان تكون بخير
Just this week in church we were looking at Matthew , 22:15-22, which I think applies deeply to what it looks like to be a loving neighbor.
Matthew 22:18-21
18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”
21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
At church our pastor spoke with a focus on verse 19 and how first, Jesus doesnt have any money on him, and second the coin would proclaim Cesaer as King and son of god, so a Jew shouldn't be owing this if he really believes in God, which makes it ironic that the Pharisee had the coin. But most importantly this idea of Give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is God's is very closely attached to your call, God's call, for us to be loving to one another.
Here you see Jesus saying, do you come under the worldly king, king Caesar, identifying your value in your reputation, wealth, worldly power and comfort, or do you come under King Jesus and all that this involves. Because if you actually give to God what is God's that will necessarily include your heart, mind and soul, and this proximity to God is not possible unless we are daily striving to be this light you are asking of us, which God is asking of us.
So since that sermon I'm asking myself, how do I answer this question? I do profess the name of Jesus but do I live that way too? Do I show it by loving and serving sacrificially? Do I walk with Jesus and ask him to change me in His power and for his glory? Truth is, I do not love and serve the way I believe God would want me to.
All this to say, thanks for the message. Your post is a needed reminder, I feel called to be more loving and your post is one reminder of the path He has for me. Thanks. Blessings.
“He that is kindly in eye will be blessed, for he has given of his food to the lowly one.”—PROVERBS 22:9
A reason why i celebrate Christmas.
Because Jesus helped people who were poor, sick, and afflicted, some want to follow his example. They feel that the best time to do that may be Christmas, when charities often put forth extra effort to collect donations.
Atimes it can be challenging, bcos during the holidays, many people are preoccupied with shopping, entertaining, and visiting friends and family. All of this leaves them with little time, energy, or money to attend to the poor and needy, other than perhaps making a donation.
Some Bible principles can helped me.
“Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it.” (Proverbs 3:27)The poor, the hungry, and the afflicted do not suffer only at Christmastime. If you perceive that someone needs help and it is within “the power of your hand” to assist, why wait for a holiday to act? Your kindness and compassionate actions will be blessed. I believe this is a noble cause and i have joined already.Day four is here. Thank you @gavvet for this initiative.
No es necesario esperar ningún día festivo para dar, todos tenemos la oportunidad de ayudar a otras personas y no solamente con cosas materiales, ayudar puede significar, hasta solo escuchar a alguien cuando está afligido. Salir a la calle y no votar basura en el piso; dar los buenos días y actuar con amabilidad, ayudar a un anciano a cruzar la avenida y esas son ocasiones que se nos presentan a diario en el transcurso de nuestro día. ¿Cuantos de nosotros aprovechamos esas oportunidades para hacer lo correcto?
1 John 3 vs 17
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
I think a wonderful idea would be to give to those who are on national duties, acting as vessels of God to keep our countries safe.
You could put together a box for soldiers oversees. They need/want things that we take for granted. Extra bibles, Shampoo, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, magazines, towels, Christmas decorations, candy, bottled water, tylenol, books, tampons/pads, lotion, chap stick, deodorant, phone cards, baked goods, beanie babies to give to children, the list goes on!
When you have these ready, you can package them an take to the appropriate agency that would get these dispatched. The soldiers would never know who it came from, and that would make them Give the glory to God.
As my way, I every-time keep smile and talking with my our neighbors. I do really love to them. No wasting money for unsuccessful things like as celebration, Birthday parties. Invite one neighbor over for dinner each month.
If someone is new in town, invite them to join your plans for the weekend.If I have ability to spend some money I give poor peoples to meals, cloths and sanitary goods. They need those one. I think help poor peoples no difference with your title. Some find it difficult to love the neighbor who is sitting in the pew right next to them.we willing to show love, mercy, and compassion? Will we get caught up in who we should help and love, how often we’re supposed to: for all of questions need to find better answers from our heart.
@gavvet, I really appreciate and giving my full assist to #lighttheworld campaign. I think we can love to our door step neighbors. It has more steps. We can give our kind manpower if they want something; We can give to surprising gift in this Xmas summer: We can talk with nice conversation with them. Always try to keep best relationship each others. #lighttheworld giving great contribution to humans very better. Thank you for discussing most important topic in this Christmas season. Resteemed.
@gavvet, I believes that everyone has something to give this season, the gift of time. “It’s easy, and giving a little bit of time can mean the world to somebody.” The key to preventing people who have nobody to visit them from being alone is connecting activities and events to those who need the company. With this in mind, #lighttheworld will end the year with great success. I suggest ways to get involved:
“Offer to organise a new activity, whether it is a lunch club, a film show or some other kind of group. It doesnt matter how much you have. Something as small as opening your doors to an elderly neighbour or friend is sometimes the only gesture you need to make to light up someone’s life this season.
We can do small things with great love
Greta great initiatives being spoken of here. I love all the wonderful ideas being given in the posts, and by the comment givers too.
But the add to them, I'll like to say that the manner of presentation is also very important.
From the scripture, we could see that
They bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts - Matthew 2 vs 11
The magi got their presentation right. They didn’t just send their gifts Camel Express or leave them on the doorstep. They intensified the effect of their gifts by how they presented them.
I believe it would be something to imitate the magi in that respect this Christmas. I believe it would be something if we didn’t just toss our gifts at one another but took care to lovingly and thoughtfully present them, telling each other, “I pray you like it; I chose it just for you, because I want nothing more than for you to feel loved and valued this Christmas.”
I pray God gives us the wisdom to make our giving experience a life saver this Christmas. Amen
Actually nice conversation @gavvet. In this summer we must talking with this title. Seriously in this summer, some peoples haven't find only one meal for their remove hungry. Why richest peoples weak from their mind? I accept they have more wealth. But As you know finally we can't bring anything under the earth. Only has save our death. So You all must thinking be helpful neighbors also another poor peoples. May be kids or old parents.
" Leviticus 19:9–18:"
When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, neither shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. And you shall not strip your vineyard bare, neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the LORD your God.
Nice post. Often time our ego or "monkey mind" prevents us from being more happy, since happiness come from giving. We should start being more conscious and bring more awareness into our life.
Save the comfy seat for them
Think about games and activities that everyone can join in with and enjoy
Don’t assume that because a person is older that they are uninterested in conversation, whether it’s about Netflix or computer games or chart music, engage them.
Thank you @gavvet for this. I wish i could spread my tentacles and reach more people. From where i am from, the most suitable will be inviting old people around, bcos alot of them are neglected. I have alot of them around me. If anyone here is in my category, you remember that it gets harder to hear as you age. Speak slowly and clearly and don’t get frustrated if you are asked to repeat yourself or turn the telly up I love this vision of #lighttheworld. God bless
Finding someone in need who could really use a helping hand is easy.
All it takes is opening your heart and asking God for direction.
Very few of us pray and ask God for direction before giving, I feel that should be where it should all Start from.
Matthew 2 vs 11
'' “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.''
We may infer that they didn’t pick up their gifts at the last minute from the 7-11 down the street. They probably planned those gifts well in advance. So maybe take a hint from the magi: pray and plan before you buy. Ask God to help you give what you can afford and what the recipients will appreciate.
We really need to change lives.
Give yourself entirely to those around you. Be generous with your blessings. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
When you share small acts of kindness, you are giving back more than you might think. You spread cheer to someone else. You elevate your own mood. You inspire more giving. Giving can have a ripple effect. The recipient of your act of kindness benefits, and so do any witnesses. Oh, and you just may enjoy the feeling of giving so much that it turns into a giving spirit that lives on well past the holidays.
So here are some ideas that the NGO i work with accomodates.
1.Call a friend you haven’t talked to all year especially one who needs help in anyway.
2.Spread good news about someone who needs to be heard.
3.Collect cans of food and donate them to a food bank.
4.Gather up your old coats and donate them to Goodwill or a homeless shelter.
Isaiah 58:7
"Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry And bring the homeless poor into the house; When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
5.Pay for someone’s layaway anonymously.
6.Run an errand for someone who is incapacitated or less privileged.
7.Buy books for strangers. Books can change lives.
I am doing most of these and will like many people who think they can do the above join and be useful to yout community. Great one @gavvet. #lighttheworld 2018
I must say that this is the best thing i have heard in steemit all year. Thank you @gavvet. If you follow a lot of Christians on social media leading up to Christmas, you probably have noticed how many people lament over the culture’s disregard of Christ.
Well, you can see the obstacle. Or you can see the opportunity. I choose to see the opportunity. There are so many connection points with our culture you’ll miss if you only see the glass as half empty.
This is no time for the church to be more cynical than the world, which still remembers something is different at Christmas, even if they’re not exactly sure what it is.
Stop complaining about the world. Reach it instead.
This year, we’re attempting to give double the amount of money we normally give to our community partners like the local food bank, right before Christmas.
Love makes a pretty irresistible force when it’s unleashed on a city. And generosity makes an impression on the less privileged people. I am Team #lighttheworld.
Even in the Islamic religion urged us not to harm the neighbor and to honor him and to improve him and the causes of happiness in the world is love for your neighbor, for example, the defect that you are dining and your neighbor has nothing to eat
Loving your neighbors is a good characteristic of a human being.It shows the level of goodness and as a lover of peace
"then learning to put others needs above our own is a crucial first step.
this is the great sentence , thank you very much for this post#tag
Doing something for a common goal can bring happiness, even less frustration. People who are more self-focused will be more susceptible to depression.
The happiness grows and develops when we help others, but if you do not help others, happiness will wither and dry up. The happiness is like a plant and must be flattened every day with the attitude and giving action. Thank you for sharing.
society of saint vincent de paul.wow, this is amazing dear, I will also start using the #lighttheworld hashtag too, am glad also to have met this post as it ressonate with some of my activities with the
my neighbour is not only the person next door, everyone is my neighbour as long as humanity is concern.
I will also do my best to visit those who may not have especially during this season of love.
giving has always been what I crave to do, but I wants it to become a culture and an attitude to me.
thanks for the post.
You are promoting a really good cause this christmas, keep doing the good job sir, i will participate soon
Personally I don't alot so I didn't give anything to my neighbor although I began talking to her and that was a nice experience.
Now my mornings are filled with her warm greetings. Thanks @gavvet because of ur advice I have gotten a new friend.
Truly, love of neighbour is the second greatest commandment after love of God. Jesus himself confirm this in the scripture . Matt.22:39
How can we live out the notion of “every house a lighthouse by lighting the world”
If God has appointed the time and season of where you live, how can you be a tool in God’s use to impact your neighborhood with kind acts.
Show love everywhere. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Some of these families have a tough time making ends meet.
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
Random acts of kindness are an opportunity to give back and to pay forward but also to teach our children to be compassionate and generous.Jesus says that we are the #lightoftheworld, yet how many of us commute more than 10 miles to go to church, bypassing 40 homes in our same subdivision? I want each and every one of us to be a part of #lighttheworld.
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give"
“It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35)
Thank you so much for this
The good book talked about love a lot of times.
Jesus Christ preached, taught and showered love amidst the people.
It's a big feat in our world today.
I pray "Love" leads in every areas of life.Great and well relayed information @gavvet
With our busy life we are rarely involved to build the neighborhood! But it's one of the most important thing! Having a good neighbors is a precious gift to everyone! To make them happy, we can talk them, help them when they deserve help and one big smile of the day can make them feel better as well!@gavvet,
This kindness should be with all beings on Earth because when all people will show respect and understanding to everybody, then the world would be a better one.
@gavvet - Sir under light the world concept this is a wonderful thinking.... We should love our neighbors & our friendly manner is what they deserve....
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Thank you so much, you do not know how much it is appreciated. We all try our best, and I want to thank you for this vote.
Another day with #lighttheworld and another surprise how simple things affect our lives. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that. I have never had bad relationships with my neighbours, but often I can hear how wrong this relationship may went and wont come down. Respct your neighbours. I can exaggerate now, but remember:
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
~Martin Niemöller, 1892-1984
I think it is not as much as material exchange with our neighbor, I think it should be more on interpersonal state
I think sometimes how to neighbor who lives next to you and make him as a brother of the family does not respect some people this neighbor should ask him and appreciate him and give him full respect if the disease stands next to him if hungry give it to you
Even Islam has done it so much that we do not harm it and give it full respect and appreciation. Sometimes you find in the neighbor things and positive things you can not find in your brother or father or your mother and in your family in general
How well do you know your next-door neighbor?
Take a moment to have a meaningful conversation with him or her.
We have an elderly couple staying next to us, maybe ill pop in and ask them if there is anything i can help with. Tis the season, although there should not have to be a reason to perform an act of kindness.
First article I found on steemit. As a Christian this blows my mind that Jesus has already penetrated this niche crypto-social media site. Super siked to see what the future holds for this series. #lighttheworld
you recognize, lots of human beings would possibly say they do not have enough money to buy items for others, and stuff like that. however human beings select the very little things of life. for instance whether or not it’s the aged couple whose driveway wishes shoveling or the single mother who should use a mother’s helper, you in all likelihood have someone for your very own block who should use a hand. Your circle of relatives may be able to offer the lifeline they need during the vacation season.
With little funds, you may begin a holiday way of life of allocating a certain sum of money for every child to give to a charity in their desire. Make the cash one of the children’ presents below the tree or in their stocking on Christmas morning within the shape of a homemade gift certificates.
So there is no excuse, all and sundry has some thing to offer @gavvet
Я сразу както подумал о своей одинокой соседки она пенсионер детей нет думаю что необходимо как то с ней общатся находить общие темы.
Great post showing real life ways to put these verses into action. Reading the Bible and knowing the verses is only the first step. "Putting skin on the verses" by putting them into action is often the more difficult step.
The words and message spoken by Jesus will guide all through anything.
I have recorded in my memory the happy face of the inhabitants of a nursing home. A group of coworkers collect funds and buy some toiletries and some clothes for them, we also bring some goodies. They sang and danced for us. It was so much happiness and gratitude from them, that we felt so moved, were moments of fullness of part and part.
Yah Neighbours can be and should be friendly
Amen... Nice to see these posts coming!
this is a small thing that is often ignored in the modern world today.
they live indifferently with their own neighbors. we should care especially the neighbors, because they are the closest to our life / home.