Preparing the Soil of the Soul for Progress | Merlin Vlog 24

in #lightworker7 years ago

For simply giving thanks, Manuel, when you lie down to sleep each night or from time to time, for no reason or rhyme, you'll begin to move with life instead of against it.

You'll be shown that life could not possibly be more beautiful than it already is. You'll see that you are the fountainhead of your experience. You'll remember that you transcend all things time and space, and thus are their very master. And you'll find that you live in a paradise where the only thing that truly seems impossible is how powerful you really are and how much you are loved.

What else would you think about, anyway?

The Universe

Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear students on the path, we would like to speak about the healing of minds. There is much dysfunction and confusion in the minds of many of your brothers and sisters and there are certain techniques you may use to begin the healing process for those who so desperately need it — to assist them and guide them on a progressive path to self-discovery and what lies beneath the heavy facade of their own wounded and conditioned minds. As always, this energetic work is to be executed with compassion, mercy, and Fatherly love — prayer with surgical precision.

“To begin, we would ask that you connect with your own guidance teams and ask your Thought Adjuster (TA) to coordinate the communication between you and the patient to be healed. To ensure a pure connection we ask that you examine yourself first and ask that all energetic attachments be cleared and that your own auric fields are clean and filled with light.

“There are many who are weighted down with all manner of dysfunctional maladies of the mind and who may not be consciously open to any kind of divine intervention; spiritual energy or healing. For many, this is a ‘condition’ of the mind — the wounded child putting up a façade to be protected from further injury. However, this is not so in the subconscious mind where they are crying out for love, mercy, and compassion — wanting to be healed, loved, and set on a path that leads to purpose in life.

“When you find willingness on the part of the inner child to open up to divine healing through the subconscious mind, you have secured the free-will acknowledgment of the individual to proceed with this healing. To do this, you first ask your TA to connect with the subconscious mind of the patient. You then identify yourself and state your intention to assist them in their own healing. When you have permission, you would begin by asking their guidance (TA, angels and other guides) to clear their auric field of all energetic attachments. Then ask if there is any damage to this field — if so, ask for the field to be healed and filled with unconditional love. This is the preparation for the healing — to get the energy system ready to function with enough capability to facilitate the healing process.

“Some of you students are healers and understand more about the auric field and how it may function and you may be very precise in your direction for the healing, but for those who are less aware of these energetic functions, we ask that you have confidence in the ability of the patient’s own guidance team to give them what they need. In essence, you are asking (‘Ask and it is given’) that they initiate the healing by releasing all negative and trapped emotions in the chakra fields starting at the root and working up through each chakra to the crown and above the crown. It is these negative emotions, fears, and wounded feelings that block them in life to deal with any deeper sense of self and purpose, and until these can be cleared, it is very difficult for them to move forward in any progressive way.

“What you are doing is assisting in the preparation for their healing by asking for this clearing work. It is, however, still up to the individual to take the lead once these energetic blocks have been removed. Once the energetic cleansing has begun, the conscious mind is more open to doing the work of further healing. We see from our vantage point (from the spiritual realm) that billions of people on the planet suffer from this ‘energetic pollution’ and we are calling on the student healers to take up the work of ‘preparing the soil of the soul’ for progress. A world cannot enter Light and Life until the individuals are healed and ready to participate in it.

“We ask that you begin first with friends, family, and acquaintances. Then, once you are confident in the work, you move to small groups — then larger groups. This progressive approach will eventually prove to be more productive and efficient. Your assistance in this area is needed, my dear students, to promote the next phase of correction on your world. As always, when you have questions, ask your TA for guidance — ‘Ask and it is given!’

Electricity must flow in a circuit. In a three pronged-outlet, power flows from the ‘hot’ right slot to the ‘neutral’ left one, and the hole below them is called ‘ground’. Grounding is meant to protect the users from electric shock. The prongs on a plug fit into these slots in the outlet.

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind as you were connecting with Spirit in your Stillness time that Spirit is your three-pronged outlet. Indeed, ‘high voltage’ spiritual circuits are continuously made available to you to flood your being with their uplifting energetic frequencies in order to keep your complex operating systems in an optimal mode of functioning.

“As you live in a physical embodiment, it is important as well that you remain ‘grounded’ to Mother Earth and her energies — the third prong of your spiritual connection that ensures you will maintain your ability to function on the physical plane, as it is your current job assignment and the classroom where you gather meaningful spiritual experiences.

“Being grounded means that you are present in your body and connected with the earth, allowing you to feel centered and balanced no matter what is going on around you.

“You are the three-pronged plug conceived to perfectly fit into the three-pronged outlet. Yet, many of you are unaware of that invisible reality and fail to spend time at their recharging station. You know what happens when the batteries of your electrical devices ‘run out of juice’ and ‘die.’ The device becomes useless unless you find an energy source to plug it into. You will then have to wait until the recharging is complete, which may result in some temporary suspension of the duties you were performing on the devices.

“Dear ones, this is a good metaphor for what happens when you neglect to recharge your spiritual batteries. The spiritual aspect of who you are fades away and eventually, you forget that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience since you are completely disconnected from that experiential layer. This is the reason why some of your material achievements may fail to ‘full-fill’ you. Indeed, you will never taste that feeling of overall contentment if one of your operating systems is out of service or idling. You will only get in touch with a small part of the greater you.

“Visualize that you have a reading device that display the current charge level of your spiritual batteries. What does it reveal to you? This is a reading you should perform daily in order to monitor your connection to Spirit and take necessary action to top up your spiritual energies and keep this precious connection going. You remember to plug in your digital devices. Isn’t it the least you could do to cater to your spiritual well-being?”

Dear people, I am the voice of the Earth.

I greet you all in this place of connection and simplicity. Join with me: the ground beneath your feet, the trees and the grass, the rocks and all nature around you. It is around you like an energy you absorb and that nourishes your cells. It is a place where the original Earth energy is allowed to be; where there is room for me.

There are many energies in human society which run counter to the original Earth energy. Those which run counter arise from the thought processes and attempts at taming life on Earth. Those mental energies have become so commonplace for all of you that it has become almost as a second nature. Only as a small child did you have that direct connection with what was most natural.

I ask you to now remind yourself of that direct, natural connection with your body, and not with your head. Descend with your attention deep into your body, away from your head, and go down to your heart and your abdomen. Imagine your attention as a soft white feather that slowly touches all parts of your body: your heart, your arms and hands, your abdomen, your legs and feet. Stored in your body is a reminder of simplicity and purity. The body remembers; it stores old wounds and traumas in the memory of its cells, but it also stores the primal memory of wholeness, spontaneity, and naturalness.

I ask you to now connect with this primal memory. See a child before you, the child that you once were, or just the appearance of a child who is happy and carefree and in harmony with nature. When you feel happy and carefree, you are not constantly considering whether what you do and what you feel is good, or what the ultimate effects will be, or what may happen or can go wrong. The mental power in you constantly interferes with and constrains the spontaneity that is also there and that wants to come forth from the primal source to your embodied soul.

There is a spontaneous flow in each one of you. Your body carries that flow in every cell and it contains my energy that is the energy of nature. The energy of your soul and that of nature come together in the cells of your body. But they are covered over by layers of learned ways of thinking which are fuelled by fear.

Imagine that your body cells were originally full of creative light that is connected to both the Earth and to your soul. The two energies of Heaven and Earth have no trouble finding each other; they are attracted to each other and belong together.

It is humans who have created an artificial split there. These two energies may appear to you to be higher and lower, but in your original nature that separation does not exist. They dance together, the energy of your soul and the energy of the Earth.

Try to feel that joining once again in your body. Feel the fluidity of the light that is alive in all your cells and is full of the information from an energy that can help you find your way.

The child, who I just asked you to call up in your imagination, is the Messenger of the united energies of the light of Heaven and that of Earth. Now ask this child if it has a message for you. Let that message come to you in a way that suits the child. The message does not have to be in words. It is not a mental energy that the child in you wants to send. The child's energy is very alive and tells you where you have become trapped in old habits and thoughts.

Let this child with its energy then go to a place in your body that most needs that energy, the spot where your energy has become blocked by being temporarily overcome by fear. Fear causes the mental processes to take over, which are then going to try to manage and control the mechanisms of life in order to protect you and to survive. That reaction, however, never feeds the inner child; it does not nourish the flow of life that you essentially are. It leads to complaints in your physical body or to discontent and pain in your emotional body.

Recognize the veil you have put over your self: the veil of fear, excessive thinking, distrust, maybe a lack of faith. See if you can observe that veil in your body: any gray or dark spots which grip your energy so it cannot flow freely.

Look at that dark place and become aware of who you really are. You are not your inner child, although your inner child lives within you. You are the awareness that supports the child and that makes choices, while the child within you is the feeling part. It is that part of your life that flows and desires self-realization and that needs you – your I, the creator within you, the consciousness within you – in order for it to really come to full expression.

The child in you is like a delicate and beautiful flower who needs you to cherish it and to care for it; it needs you to understand it. You are the caregiver and the keeper for your inner child.

Life gives you this child – your spontaneity, your desires, your creativity – and you are the creator who has a choice. You can let your inner child remain veiled and be oppressed by the fears from society which overwhelm you when you are born. Or you can use the power you have to break through those fears and the excessive thinking.

Take hold of your deep power of consciousness. Consciousness is not about thinking, but is the willingness to be present completely and to not look away from your pain, away from your inner child, and to see both the gifts and the pain that are in the child.

I ask you to see your child clearly, and doing that partly dissolves the veil that surrounds you. Seeing this child revives it and awakens it; the child then feels it is allowed to be.

Feel very clearly the message of this child and feel your own protective power. You are able to distinguish between fear and love, between choking repression and real freedom and spontaneity. Allow in your own childlikeness, your own spontaneity and innocence, and everything that derives from it.

But doing this can call up anxiety in you, because you have not yet learned to trust this process. You have been told that you need to look toward the future, that you have to anticipate what can go wrong, that you cannot just go ahead and be yourself, that there are dangers threatening.

However, there is greater danger in this way of thinking. It suppresses your original creativity and makes you fear for yourself by causing a split within yourself, which is the biggest danger for people because that split can cause destructive behavior. It creates real chaos because there is no longer unity within people, there is no center.

Thinking can never help you to be centered. Your true center is in your abdomen where you are connected to me, the Earth. Feel the Earth energy that flows there. Let yourself go, and dare to trust. Life is good and wants to bring you home to yourself – trust life.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”


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