My blog refers to mystics. Good and evil, and everything that ordinary science cannot explain. Nowadays they do not believe in it. And the Inquisition tried to destroy everything that was beyond the control of man and his judgments. Few people know, but incectivization appeared a long time ago than history shows. Inkivizitsiya kept pace with evil and good. They are like twins, just someone denies it with
Halo. Grace emanating from an angel close to God.
Wings. Sign that angels are fast and at the right time may be in the right place, even descending from the sky. Many people think that the wings are necessary for the angel to fly - but the Lord has endowed them with the gift of moving through the air and without wings.
Toroki (golden "ribbons" or straps in hair). Obedience to the will of the Lord and a special hearing of His instructions. Or a symbol of power, like a diadem of ancient rulers.
Staff. Messengers are often portrayed with such a sign.
Eye (eye in the middle of the forehead). Sign of omniscience, vsevideniya.
Mirror (it may be an abbreviation of the name of Jesus or the cross). This symbol means prevision, which is owned by angels.Dominion. These angels are created to pacify the human soul. They can help tame their passions and emotions, elevate the spiritual over the carnal.
Forces. Wonderworkers. The Lord can send them to icons or people who subsequently receive the gift.
Authorities. Spirits defenders. They can pacify evil, control it, and also protect human souls from it.
Lower degree:
Start. These are guardian angels, but for the whole state, people or city.
Archangels The leaders of the angels.
Angels These are our personal defenders, and if it is simpler, our conscience. They are farthest from God and closer to people.
Archangel Michael (Who is like God, Who is equal to God). The leader of the heavenly host. The winner of Satan, holds in his left hand a green date branch on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which is a white banner, with a red cross, to commemorate the victory of the Cross over the Devil.
Archangel Gabriel (Fortress of God or the Power of God). One of the highest angels in the Old and New Testaments is as the bearer of joyous evangelisms. It is depicted with candles and a mirror of jasper in a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended through time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.
Archangel Raphael (Healing of God or Healing of God). The physician of human ailments, the chief of guardian angels, is depicted holding a vessel (alavaster) in his left hand with medical means (medicine), and in the right hand - a parachute, that is, a cropped bird feather for anointing wounds.
Archangel Salafiel (Angel of Prayer, Prayer to God). A prayer book, always praying to God for people and arousing people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes, bent (lowered) down, and his hands, pressed (folded) cross on his chest, as if praying with emotion.
Archangel Uriel (God's Fire or God's Light). Like the Angel of Light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths useful for them; as the Angel of the Divine Fire, he inflames the hearts with the love of God and destroys the impure affections of the earth in them. It is depicted holding a drawn sword in the right hand against the chest, and a fiery flame in the left.
Archangel Yehudhiel (Praise of God, Glorifier of God). The archangel of God, Yehudiil, is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious works to saints, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment to sinners for laziness to pious works.
Archangel Barachiel (Blessing of God). Holy Archangel Barachiel, the distributor of the blessings of God and the intercessor asking God’s goodness to us: is depicted carrying white roses on his chest, as if rewarding God’s commendation for the prayers, labors and moral behavior of people.
Names of Angels of different religions and the names of the Fallen Angels
Abasdarhon -. angel of the fifth hour of the night
Abraxos is the ancient name of the Creator of Angels.
Adnachiel is an angel who rules in November.
Adonael -. Archangel Adonai is one of the seven angels, or Elohim; creator. Translated means "My Lord." Used by the Jews instead of pronouncing the ineffable name of God.
Aeshma - Persian Archangel.
Af - Angel of Light.
Agla is the angel who saved Lot and his family.
Akriel is an angel that treats Infertility.
Amitiel is the angel of truth.
Amriel - Angel rules in the month of May.
Anael -. Angel affecting love, passion and sexuality
Anapiel is an angel whose name means "separation of God."
Anahel -. The angel that rules the third heaven.
Anpiel is an angel that protects birds.
Ansiel - "constrainer" the name of an angel, known as Arael - modified Uriel ;. Prince over the people.
Araqiel - Angel with dominion over the Earth
Araton is one of the seven ruling angels over the provinces of Heaven.
Ariel - "the lion of God;".
Armisael - Angel of Protection
Asariel - "whom God appointed to look beyond the borders;" The Moon rules.
Asroilu is a guardian angel in seventh heaven.
Astanphaeus is one of the seven angels of presence; The third gate keeper.
Asteraoth - the name of the angel who is in charge of food
Atrugiel - Grand Prince in seventh heaven.
Ayil - Angel sign of the zodiac Sagittarius.
Azbogah is the name of a high ranking angel of judgment.
Azrael is the archangel of death.
Azriel is the name of the angel of destruction.
Balthioul - Angel with the power to prevent disasters
Baradiel - Angel of joy.
Barakiel -. Angel lightning
Barrattiel -. Support angel
Barbiel -. Angela October
Bariel -. Angel of the ruling eleventh hour - Angel of intelligence.
Barquiel - Angel of the seventh hour of the day.
Baruchiel - Angel in charge of nutrition.
Banya is the angel of divine prophecy.
Bazazath - Archangel of the Second Heaven
Bethor is one of the seven angels of the ruling province of heaven.
Briathos - Angel fights demons.
Cahethal - Seraphim Angel over agriculture.
Camael is the name that means "the one who sees God," the main angel of the powers.
Cassiel - Saturn's Angel.
Cerviel - Angel Ruler of the Principality.
Chamuel - the Archangel, whose name means "He who seeks God."
Chayyliel is an angel whose name means "army"; Powerful Angel.
Cochabiel - Angel prince who stands before God.
Dabriel - Angel of the First Sky, which reigns on Monday.
Dagiel is an angel who has power over the fish.
Dalquiel -. Angela Prince of the Third Heaven
Damabiath - Angela Naval Construction
Dardariel - Angel ruling the eleventh hour.
Diniel -. the angel who protects babies
Domiel - an angel guards the sixth hall in seventh heaven.
Dubbiel - the guardian angel of Persia; the name means "bear-god."
Dumas - Angel Prince
Thought is the angel of silence.
EAE is an angel that fights demons.
Eiael - Angel with power over the occult sciences.
Elion - the ministry of the angel who brought the plague to Egypt.
Emmanuel - "God is with us." Angel, whose name means
Erathaol is one of the archon's seven great angels.
Eremiel - the great Angel who presides over the abyss and hell.
Gabriel - ". MAN or Hero of God" Archangel, whose name means
Gadriel -. The angel who rules the fifth heaven
Galgaliel - Angel of the Prince of the Sun, like Rafael.
Galizur is the great Angel who rules the Second Heaven.
Gamaliel is the angel who will occupy the elect of heaven.
Gazardiel is the angel who controls the east.
Geburatiel. Angel Prince who guards the Seventh Heaven.
Guriel - The Leo Zodiac Star Angel.
Gzrel - an angel who cancels any evil decree against another in heaven
Hadraniel is an angel who stands at the second gate to heaven, "the majesty of God."
Hadriel - Guardian Angel of the East Wind Gate.
Hagith is one of the seven angels, the reigning provinces of Heaven.
Halaliel - The Archangel known as the "Lord of Karma."
Hamaliel - Angel, who rules the order of virtues.
Hamon is a big, honored, beautiful angel in the heavens of a prince.
Haniel is the archangel who guards the Tree of Life.
Harahel is the angel that oversees the libraries.
Hasdiel - Angel benevolance.
Hashmal - The Fiery Angel spoke of the Throne of God.
Hayliel - Angel in a prince. Seventh heaven
Hazyil is an angel whose name means "the vision of God."
Heman - Angel leader of the heavenly choir, whose name means "trust".
Hermesiel is an angel who heads one of the celestial choirs.
Hofniel - Angel ruling Bene elohim; There is a name "Fighter of God."
Iaoel - Angel of the Lord, Angel of Visions.
Iaoth - Archangel who has the power to prevent demons.
Leo - tears off an angel with demons.
Iofiel - Archangel, whose name means "the beauty of God."
Israfil is an Islamic angel whose name means "burning one."
Jael - CHERUB, who guards the Ark of the Covenant.
Jahoel is one of the angels of the presence and commander of Seraphim.
Jaoel is a guardian angel who lives in Seventh Heaven.
Idifuna is an angel whose name means “Master of the Howl” or chanting of God.
Jefischa -. Angela ruling fourth in the morning
Yehudiil -. Archangel who rules the movement of the heavenly spheres
Jeremiel is the Archangel, whose name means "the mercy of God."
Kabshiel -. Angel mercy and favor
Kafziel - Archangel who rules the planet Saturn.
Kakabel -. The angel who rules the stars and constellations
Kalaziel -. Angela who has the power to prevent the Demons of disease