How I Got Into Linux

in #linux8 years ago


Everyone has their own story of how they found and started using Linux. I'm sure mine is not too different. So I'm just going to tell you my story about it.

Instead of starting with how I got into Linux I'm going start with how I got into computers.

The Back Story

In the late 90's I got my first computer. I was in my early thirties and I had no idea about what to buy. My first computer had a 286 processor. For those of you who don't know what that is Google it - you'll get a good laugh. I only knew it was a 286 because the friend I asked to help me buy the computer made a point that it was a bit old but a good processor. Now, I wasn't a noob about computers, I was completely clueless! So I bought the computer with the whiz-bang 286 and went home.

All I can remember about that computer is I didn't know what to do with it. I knew lots of things could be done with it but I had no clue. I don't even remember if there was Internet hooked up to it. All I remember is I played one game on it and got bored with that pretty quick.

My next computer I got around 2004. I had no idea what was in it even though I was helping pick out the parts. Another one of my friends said he could build me one. I said, "You can build a computer?!" he said "Sure, I've built several." So we went to Fry's and got all the parts and brought them home. A few hours later I had a custom built computer... that didn't work! And a couple hours after that I had a properly working custom built computer! Less plug and play back then I guess.

This time I had a reason for a computer. I had a business (starving artist) and Internet. Had me some modem action along with Internet Explorer and AOL too. I still have nightmares with the modem screeching in the background and the several minute wait for connection.

Now I'm on the Internet! Where do I go? I don't know! There was no YouTube. MySpace had just come out but wasn't very popular yet and I'm socially inept online anyway. So my friend showed me a few sites I could visit. Or I could just search for something - anything. There's a reason they call it the World Wide Web you know. Well, I did a few things online for a while but the loading of pages was slooooow. And I'm not a naturally patient man - back then anyway. So I concentrated on other aspects.

My friend was into music recording at the time. He had a little studio he'd built and was also playing around with electronic music. One day he gave me a copy of Reason. This was awesome! I had no clue how to use it but he showed me what could be done with it. So, being an artist, I had nothing to do, so I learned Reason. I then wrote several songs. A couple turned out halfway decent. I also got Finale around that same time and wrote (notated) some classical music. I was really starting to like this computer stuff. I think it might have potential!

While I was playing around with this music stuff I was also quite interested in writing. I always wanted to tell stories via the written word but using a typewriter was out. I make too many mistakes. But now I have a computer! I don't know where this writing bug comes from. No one in my family writes. All I know is I'd rather write a book than read it. It's the same with most things - like sports. Don't really watch, would rather play.

So I wrote a couple short stories and printed them out. My first published work! Actually, it was really my first printed work. But that's okay. I'm not doing this for money, I just wanna do it... on my computer!

For some reason the next thing I wanted to do was write a screenplay. Again, not to sell, just to learn how, then do it. But I had no ideas. A few days went by and it hit me! An idea that I could really create with. So I wrote a script. Then another one. Then another one. And so on. Yep, this computer stuff is pretty useful!

As I goofed around on the computer for a couple years MySpace took off and YouTube was born and I got DSL hooked up. Still clueless about the technical aspects of computers. Didn't really care either.

Well I operated this way for about nine or ten years. Right around 2014 I was working on my laptop and Microsoft decided to take it over with another update. Shut me down cold with its infinite update. Now, I don't know what was going on but I seemed to be getting a lot of updates and it was really pissing me off. Of course this had been going on for years as I always used Windows. I was finally tired of it and set out to see if there was some way I could get the hell away from Windows. Oh yeah, all my settings would periodically reset as well. I was going to get Gates Dynasty out of my house for good.

The plunge

I liken Windows to spending time and money improving a rental property, not my own. All the equity goes to someone else.

Around the early 2000's I queried a few friends about an alternate OS I could use and end my dependence on Windows. Obviously Mac was the next contender. I didn't like their prices or the way they limit the ability to upgrade their hardware. A friend mentioned Red Hat one day and gave me a brief description about it. This was my introduction to Linux. But I was not impressed as Linux was still very young and not for the average clueless person like me. Also, there was very little support from third party software companies. This was server software. What's a server?

Linux stayed out of my mind for the next decade until my frustrations with the Empire had come to a head. Vader had to die!

For some reason Red Hat popped into my mind and I started to research it. What I discovered was an entire world of Linux distros of all sizes and flavors! I mean they were everywhere! I watched video after video on YouTube learning all I could about this Linux world. The one that kept popping up that was workable for me was Mint. It's like they designed it just for me! Install and forget about it. Hey, I can do that! And it would let me do whatever I wanted to. It wouldn't fight me, lock me out, or undo everything with an update. Hell, I even control what to update and when! And if I screw it up I can just reinstall it or get some other distro if I didn't like that one. And it won't cost me a dime. How is Linux not more popular with people (not remembering I didn't know about it until a few days ago)?

I debated for a few days whether to wipe the HD on my laptop to install Mint KDE (I liked the look and feel of KDE). My decision was made for me when I was working and, again, another update shut me down. That was all it took. I downloaded the Mint ISO and burned it to DVD (I didn't know how to USB it then). I slid the disk in and up popped Mint. I didn't know you could run it off the disk as a trial until it popped up. (yeah I know, clueless). So I started moving through Mint to see if I would be comfortable with it. I was.

As this was my laptop and not my desktop, I pulled the trigger and installed Mint. The rush I felt getting rid of Windows forever was addictive. No more Windows! My how the world has changed.

After the install I never looked back. I've never once considered Windows again. I require no proprietary software. So far, Linux software can handle everything I need.


This was the most intimidating part of the Linux world for me. I was very timid when it came to terminal use. I have learned quite a bit and I now don't see CLI as a hindrance, I see it as the most useful tool of Linux. I do many things in CLI nowadays and am learning more everyday. Who knew computers could be so fun and liberating?!

I've since built my own desktop computer, distro hopped many times, learned how to install and configure a persistent USB thumb drive OS (MX-16), configured two computers to run Bitcoin full nodes and a bunch of other stuff. The more I do the easier it gets. I'm sure many of you know all this stuff but for me it's just a whole new outlook with today's technology.

The world is slowly becoming a a brave new open source environment and I'm happy to be part of it.

Anyway, just thought I would share.

art source: clker


The hard part for me is, that you used to know Windows a long time and now I understand shit. I try it but I still prefer Windows.

I get it. If you can get Windows to work for that's great! I wasn't that good with it.

Windows is, for me at least, the embodiment of restriction and confusion. I encountered errors that had easy fixes for everyone but me; Random crashes that, according to the dumps, where hardware related but in Linux were non existent. Being unable to change all settings or the problems encountered while installing software(programs not working because some required software was missing) made me completely leave windows. Linux was such a fresh breeze of air, I fell in love with it.

great....resteem and upvote for you.....

Thanks for sharing this story!
The CLI rules... I have gotten to the point where I eventually end up looking for a command line version of a tool I am using. Then the next step can be scripting where you create your own customized tools which is even cooler.

I'm right there with ya. Want to write my own code some day too.