Programmable monies, social rating scores and a capped UBI should automate making an income in a way. So long as you tow the line of course. That is the part that urks me.
The technology of how we can provide governance to the planet seems at a crossroad to me. One cannot put that tech back in the bottle. It, seems, more a matter of whether or not it will be used to free or to imprison the world's population.
Bitcoin has always seemed a very political thing to me. It takes a natural human characteristic, greed, and makes it work. Governance might use some of that same style of Bitcoin in its own processes as we burn up turns in this Risk style end game.
Having a scheme for an income which did not require a social credit score, digital id or fiat currency would be a wonderful parallel system which should help decentralize the use of those technologies.
Bring it! :)