Yes, I watch /r/unixporn
Welp, I decided to make a post here showing off my Arch AwesomeWM setup, because I'm new to this and still need to test things out.
But since I am not posting on /r/unixporn, I downloaded GIMP and made my screenshots a bit better (or not, because I'm bad at designing).
DISCLAIMER: I never really seriously tried to design a good picture in GIMP (just played around a few times) and I am definitely not creative, so pls don't kill me after seeing these pictures.
(That stat thing is conky btw)
My Wallpaper
Additional Info
WM: AwesomeWM (in case you didn't realize already)
OS: Arch (no Antergos, standard installation and no other DE is installed)
Stat thing: Conky
Terminal Emu: Termite
Color Palette for Termite: Solarized Dark
Shell: zsh (oh-my-zsh with agnoster theme)
good article, I like to read it.diperbanyak more articles and continue to work, follow me @madimancity
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Click here for a basic cheatsheet for Markdown.