Building a Linux Habitatwilli glenz @ telegram
Published with SteemPeak
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vim ~/.config/fish/functions/gufw-apache.fish
function gufw-apache --description 'firewall to protect apache2'
clear; echo
echo '=========================================================================='
echo ' UFW-APACHE '
echo ' /etc/default/ufw '
echo '=========================================================================='
echo ' # ufw status // verbose|numbered '
echo ' # ufw reset // reset '
echo ' # ufw enable // enable|disable '
echo ' # ufw allow SSH // allow|deny|reject '
echo ' # ufw allow WWW // allow|deny|reject '
echo ' # ufw reload // reload '
echo ' # ufw status // verbose|numbered '
echo ' # systemctl status ufw // systemd '
echo ' # tail -f /var/log/ufw.log // log-file '
echo ' '
echo '=========================================================================='
man-pages ........... $ man ufw
tecmint ............. tecmint.com/setup-ufw-firewall-on-ubuntu-and-debian/
ubuntuusers (de) .... wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ufw/
ubuntu .............. wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall
fish ................ fishshell.com/docs/current/index.html
picture ............. screenshoot by me ~ my gnome-desktop