Female lips

in #lips9 years ago

Lipstick is capable to change the person, to give to it freshness and appeal. Seductively bright, juicy lips always were the female instrument обольщения. However, lipstick is well looked only on well-groomed cubes. A leather in this area very gentle and thin and under influence of a cold, a wind, the sun, deficiency of vitamins, because of poor-quality cosmetics, in view of frequent облизывания it becomes fast dry, rough, cracked.
How it to avoid?
Delete lipstick at once after arrival home. Get wet lips a napkin, and then easy movements remove lipstick the wadded tampon moistened cosmetic молочком or a cream.
Daily do massage of lips within 1 minute by the soft dental brush moistened by cold boiled water. Is will keep elasticity and will remove the become horny cells.
1раз in a week do a peeling: for some minutes put on lips peeling cream, massage and remove it together with the become lifeless cells a dental brush. Then grease lips with hygienic lipstick or the fat cream containing vitamin A.
Some times in a week put on lips a mask from cottage cheese and a small amount сливок, take 7-10 minutes and remove a damp tampon. Periodically grease lips with honey, vegetative (it is better olive) or a butter, cucumber, citric or carrots juice.
Include in a food allowance the products rich with vitamin В2: kefir, eggs, chicken meat, fast pork, a fish, vegetables, greens. Lack of this vitamin leads to occurrence of cracks in corners of a mouth.
Drink more liquids - so you humidify lips from within.
Before an output on street necessarily put on lips hygienic lipstick.

Version of lipsticks
Humidifying lipstick not only paints lips, but also softens them, preventing a peeling and occurrence of fine cracks. It is better for using in the spring and in the summer when a heat and a wind mercilessly dry a leather.
Nutritious lipstick protects lips from растрескивания and sates with vitamins. Its structure includes fats and воски, therefore before drawing it is better to outline a contour of lips a pencil - it will not allow lipstick to blur. It approaches for winter when lips require additional charging and a protective fatty layer more.
Humidifying and nutritious lipstick.
Such lipsticks are in all cosmetic lines, т.к humidifying and a feed is required to lips.
Proof and superproof lipsticks keep on lips during 8-10ч (proof) and about 24 hours (superproof), not blurring, not being erased and not leaving traces. It is convenient, in fact it will not be necessary to run constantly to a mirror and to tint lips, but they can pull together lips and cause sensation of a film. Therefore, visagistes do not recommend them to use every day, and it is better to owners of dry lips to refuse them absolutely.
Hygienic lipstick (balm) prevents dryness and растрескивание, does lips elastic, elastic and smooth, and also shine adds to them. It contains ultra-violet filters, vitamins, nutritious, humidifying and antiseptic substances that does its actual the year round.
Shine does lips hardly chubbier, damp and attractive. Vegetable oils and the vitamins entering into its structure, feed, soften and simultaneously humidify lips, preventing cracks and protecting from harmful influence of solar beams and an environment. Lip glossers happen transparent and nacreous, to multi-coloured sparkles and a "tasty" smell. They can be used atop of lipstick or separately, only, consider, that this means emphasizes морщинки and shine of a fat leather.
Lipstick-shine combines intensive color and seductive shine. It is steadier, than usual shine, and looks after lips, doing their smooth and soft.

The planimetric pencil emphasizes the form of lips and keeps borders of lipstick.
Pencils are subdivided on usual and steady (rigid); automatic, wooden and plastic. Automatic самозатачиваются, wooden are good that. That on their surface bacteria are not made multiple copies, and plastic are superb sharpened.
Brush for lipstick is better to choose with the flat end. With its help lipstick lays down a thin layer, well painting over all складочки. The brush allows to mix also various tone of lipstick.

Small cunnings
For increase in the size of lips and giving of the greater size:

  • Outline a pencil a contour above a natural line of lips, having emphasized corners of a mouth;

  • The planimetric pencil should be hardly - hardly светлее lipsticks;

  • More light lipstick or shine make patches of light, having shaded them. The deviation from a natural line more than on 1.5-2мм does lips unnatural and comical.
    For reduction of the size of lips:

  • Do not emphasize contours a pencil, lipstick put on a natural line of lips, and corners of a mouth are better for leaving not made up;

  • It is possible to lead round also a contour inside of a natural line of lips, not having led round corners;

  • Avoid very bright tones of lipstick and shine.
    At asymmetry of lips:

  • Lead round a planimetric pencil both lips;

  • On a full lip put lipstick more darkly, and on narrow губу-посветлее.
    To raise the lowered corners of a mouth:

  • Outlining a contour of lips, raise it slightly upwards, not reaching up to corners.

    If at you the round person, try to straighten изогнутые contours of lips. The narrow and thin person, on the contrary, seems womanly if lips are well outlined and shine.
    Secrets of purchase

    • Get lipstick of known firms and only in cosmetic shop is a quality assurance and safety
  • Pay attention for the term of the validity: for lipstick a limit are 18 months.

  • Consider illumination. If you buy means of a day time make-up, it is not necessary to choose it at artificial light.

  • The most reliable variant - to find shop with the adviser-visagiste. Together with it you will pick up the cosmetics suitable you.

  • The planimetric pencil should be an average on softness: too firm can scratch a sensitive leather of lips, and because of too soft a make-up потечёт.

  • Try to buy lipstick and a pencil of one firm is guarantees a high probability of compatibility of tones. At selection of a pencil put a few lipsticks on a palm and beside try various variants of pencils.

Whether to the person lipstick?
Correctly picked up shade of lipstick will give to a leather a healthy luminescence and will make color of eyes brighter.
How it to achieve?
Consider color of a leather: to swarty warm shades of lipstick - red, terracotta, brown-beige approach; to light cold shades - pink, violet. In a word, the more darkly the leather the is brighter lipstick, and, on the contrary should.
It is possible to select lipstick on color of eyes: to brown eyes - bright red, brown, light pink; to blue - розово-beige, cherry; to grey - light-beige, plam; to green - terracotta, red-orange.
Color of lipstick should be in harmony with a tonality of all make-up. If the make-up of eyes too sated lip to tint follows сдержанно. And, on the contrary, if lips of bright tone the cosmetics of eyes should be muffled. Simultaneous underlining of lips and eyes looks vulgarly.
The shade of lipstick should be combined with tone of the order.
If you are dressed in white or black, can use lipstick of any color.
Cautiously concern to карминно-red, defiantly pink and in general to too bright shades - they give "coldness". But warm tone (orange, red-brown) create effect of joyful mood.
Time of day too matters: it is better to use light tone as at a sunlight dark lipstick looks in the afternoon is too elaborate.
At cold illumination (in the winter, at neon light) - be cautious with bluish shades, and at warm light (candles, an electricity) - with orange and brown.
If your lips are far from dazzling белизны, refuse оранжево-brown shades - from them a teeth seem more yellow.
Is better choose lipstick with a dark blue pigment (colors of ripe plum, бургунди, wine).
Nacreous lipstick can be used only for smooth lips without морщинок - nacre does more appreciable all defects of a leather.
At strong sunburn also it is not necessary to use nacreous lipstick - it will give to the person unnaturalness.
Technics of beauty

  1. Clear lips special tonic.
  2. Put a thin layer of a nutritious cream or hygienic lipstick - is will give to lips elasticity, will protect them from обветривания and пересушивания. Surpluses of a cream get wet a napkin.
  3. Спонжем make a first coat, having imposed on lips a basis under a make-up. The surface should become absolutely equal.
  4. Slightly powder lips, differently lipstick will quickly be erased or, is worse than that, "will float"
  5. The Planimetric pencil trace the desirable form; first a upper lip - from the middle in both parties, then bottom - from a corner to the center.
  6. Too bright contour looks unnaturally, therefore shade it аппликатором from external edge «каймы» inside.
  7. The Brush easy movements put lipstick, not coming for limits of a contour: from the center to corners of a mouth - on a upper lip and from corners to the center - on bottom.
  8. Surplus of lipstick get wet a napkin. Still it is possible so: to powder lipstick special powder through a paper napkin which similarly to a sieve passes so much powders, how many it is necessary for fixing.
  9. Repeatedly put lipstick is will make color more intensively and устойчивее.
  10.  In the center of lips put shine is will give sensuality and shade its brush a little.