The list of cryptocurrency exchanges is constantly expanding. To establish the most profitable trade policy, an experienced trader registers, as a rule, on several of them. It is impossible to cover all cryptocurrency exchanges. After all, for successful trading in the digital assets market, speed is of utmost importance. When working with a large list of exchanges, much time is spent on switching between screens. During this time, highly liquid currency at a bargain price on one of the exchanges is quickly bought up, and a trader loses potential profit. In the digital assets market, the issue of the need to consolidate data from all exchanges in one place has long been acute. This will allow immediate following to the desired exchange when a profitable proposal appears to conduct a necessary operation. Decentralized LIQNET platform is a digital assets exchange that integrates information from all active sites. LIQNET allows increasing liquidity of work with assets due to exclusion of distributing traders by exchanges.
Key features of LIQNET
LIQNET in the framework of the platform forms a single exchange funnel. This name is given to the instrument due to its appearance, which resembles a cone. When a user sets the conditions for the search for the desired asset, the name of the exchange is placed at the bottom of the funnel with an active link to its address. The unique mechanism of Liquidity Exchange Network, built on the use of the API data, collects information from all exchanges at high speed with automatic updates in online mode. LIQNET is available for use around the world. Due to the high speed of operation and the reliability of the information provided for every second, traders receive highly liquid trade from LIQNET with a minimum spread.
Advantages of LIQNET
The use of LIQNET platform is beneficial both for traders and for cryptocurrency exchanges. The latest LIQNET technology will allow getting an additional amount of transactions. The developers of the platform were able to build the work of the platform in the way that it connects to cryptocurrency exchanges as a client. It is necessary to replenish deposits and gain access to trading limits to connect and work with a wide range of services. The purpose of the project's crowdsale is to raise funds for replenishment of deposits (according to the distribution of attracted investments, 65% of the collected amount will be sent for replenishment). The creators of LIQNET independently determine the list of exchange partners. The owners of the project's cryptocurrency can influence this process during the voting.
Despite the fact that the project was created by a team of professional traders and economists who are located in Russia, officially LIQNET is registered in Singapore. This is due to the high level of development of the legislative framework with respect to digital assets in this country and helps to constantly improve the work of the platform. In the near future, LIQNET offices will be open around the world with the ability to communicate with each other. The business model of the project is built on charging a commission from each transaction.
To assure the safe operation for its users, LIQNET uses blockchain-based technology as the basis, which allows a two-factor authentication model, storage of information on several servers, the ability to work with both hot and cold cryptocurrency wallet with a unique multi-signature for each type of cryptocurrency.
LIQNET cryptocurrency
It is recommended to use LEN tokens to make the work on the project profitable. Cryptocurrency owners are given the opportunity to conduct transactions with the discount of up to 90% on commission payment, and also participate in voting on key issues of LIQNET work. LEN tokens are implemented on the basis of Ethereum according to the ERC-20 standard. The price for one token is $1. You can buy the cryptocurrency using other digital assets - BTC, ETH, LTC, etc. Purchasing LEN tokens will not be available to residents of the US, Canada, Singapore and China. The project’s softcap is 20 million dollars, hardcap - 50 million dollars. The crowdsale lasts until the end of July.
Thus, unlike the existing cryptocurrency exchanges, LIQNET offers the possibility of conducting a large volume of transactions for a minimum commission taking into account the entire depth of cryptocurrency market. Spreads of the minimum size, trade without restrictions, consolidation of all information on one server have already allowed getting high ratings from Fxempire, TrackICO and ICO Bench. LIQNET offers a ready-made product that requires further development.
The project has been developing since 2015, and at the moment LIQNET collects information from three major exchanges. By mid-2019, the platform will start working in its full functionality, accompanied by the launch of margin trading, trading and online acquiring, an online wallet with a large list of tools and mobile applications for Android and iOS.
ETH: 0xda2574CFeB7De808c08E542000E62C4949ee3233
This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.
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