i have found them for you guys..
Lisk sell lisk at 19th februar.
Grab some TNC trinity hold for 4 months. or a 10x gain.
grab some Adbank hold 4 months . or a 40x gain.
Get some ethereum classic sell at 4th March.
list of the coins to get......
if you get those coins and sell on the date i tell you you can make huge profits
Many many thanks for info
Thank you man for this. Let me rush to the exchange. I value you @bitcoincompany
i hope you wil get nice profits bro i work 5 years in crypto
Thanks man! I will say a big thank you when I win.
Very good to binance user, i prefer bittrex and poloniex
Can you give us a bit more analysis around your advice?
sure wil give you on the next blog
Nice self upvote. Cheers.
I will investigate further on the Adbank project.