Speak To Be Listened And Listen To Be Spoken
We all have different personalities and we are all unique in our own way. There is no one else like you in the entire universe that has the capacity to shape yourself for the better. When you talk to someone, the key to be listened by others depends on the use of your eye contact.
Some say if you look at a person 80% of the time in their eyes and 20% looking away, it could be the result of a good conversation. "The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
What I really mean is that your words have to match your actions, in order for the world to listen to you. Humble actions with a smart head is considered even sexy now days.
In the other hand, when you already have good actions, people will trust you and will start to love talking to you. It is really that simple, but we make it complicated many times.
Speak like you mean it and listen with care. The moment you do this, your social life explodes to the sky and you become a magnet attracting so many great things into your life, in many cases, following this attitude can make you very successful in the future believe it or not.
Many blessings to all.
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"
Stay blessed.
@javybar, Actually listening wanna awesome concept in this society. Every peoples has various skills for listen and speak. Some peoples more speaking skills have and other once have more listening. If we try to listen perfect conversations via others it's be more valuable.
That's great motivation quote. I totally agree with above quote and every words we told definitely coming out our actions. Have a nice day and thanks for discussion.
you are a good frind and your thought always perfect..i respect your besr ideas.. eyes contact, giving great attention when someone talk to us will bring joy, and warmly atmosphere. the universal language is body language. in chat communication also we can impress the attention by doing proper response, and asking proper question in regard of the topic...thanks to sharing for your good knowledge..very well done.. friend... dear.. @javybar...
Our actions definitely give us speech power to be honest. Glad the content is useful for you. ipr-job
Completely agree with your powerful thoughts. Most people go through life wishing to be listened to more. So by listening rather than talking, you are giving something valuable to the person who's speaking. Especially if you really are taking in what that person is saying and not thinking about something else. Nice to decided to share this today @javybar. Many blessings.
listening to other sis powerful my friend, thank you :)
Well said. Every person have different perspective and logic. So you should listen different views with respect. Speak less and listen lot. Do good action. action speaker louder than words. Thanks for nice motivational and inspirational post. Keep sharing @javybar
Thank you! You're welcome my friend :)
You posted awesome content here @javybar. For our success life both things must valuable. Speaking valuable for leadership and listening valuable for take best advice succeed persons. our information-driven world how much you know makes more difference to your long-term success than how much money you have or almost anything else. A person who's talking is giving away information often more than he or she intended. A person who's listening is receiving information.
very goos tip my friend, Hope people read this, thanks :)
yeah @javybar awesome content i really like your post @javybar
Javybar,tiene razon , nuestras palabras deben ser coherentes con nuestras acciones , y escuchar con atencion a los demas , muy importante , ya que hay tanto que aprendre y todos tenemos algo que aportar.
Cuando haces lo que dices ,los demas confian en ti , algo basico para una buena relacion , sea cual fuere.
Feliz dia :)
Muchas gracias. Claro, las acciones hablan mas fuerte que las palabras. Cuando las acciones no concuerdan con lo que decimos, la gente no confia en uno y no escuchan. Lo contrario pasa cuando las acciones son buenas. Gracias por la aportacion de este dia, feliz dia :)
I strongly agree with your opinion @ javybar. That's great motivation quote.People judge us from our actions. whether our actions are in accordance with our deeds.
Thank you very much! :)
Giving advice as well as being a good example will be more easily followed by others.
Totally agree with you! :)
Thanks :)
I agree with your quote, Its all depend on the quality of your good words. Our words make a good personality and good behavior attract you to others.
Very true my friend, when you know this, you can take any direction to your advantage for a better future :)
Yes dear @javybar We all have different personalities and we are all unique in our own way. . Excellent point!!I think we need to be a better audience than a good speaker And When we talk to someone, we must keep an eye on our Body language. . . Wonderful post my friend. . Stay Blessed dear ✌
Glad you liked the post, i appreciate it my friend.
@javybar, Always I am impressed reading your inspirational post. Yes I can do and I must do which I want . Because I have a ability to do anything as a man . This is my power mind and I have gotten this power reading your post. Thank @javybar for your good post. Keep it up.
good to hear this, keep it up my friend! :)
You are right, it's nice to say this whole art. Many to say and say a lot - not the same thing. To make it sound good, it's necessary to understand the truth of what you are going to talk about. Thank you for sharing :)
Thank you! You're welcome
absolutely right dear..its only possible a man depend controll mind..if a man perfect path to go he can doing every thing in her life.its just possible only a good personality man as like you... again giving alots of encourage to read your post.. .i hope that,your helped very needs for me. because,i think that if you help me in this way, then I will be able to fulfill my dreams in the future. I never thought I would always have a friend to stay in my work. That always helps me in a nutshell. I always want you stayed my sides. when if is possible , I'll meet you..thank you..dear..good supporting...friend... @javybar
Thank you my friend, we all help each other here and that's the only way to look at it. I appreciate your thoughts and great ideas a lot. :)
thank you for your good supporting... dear.. friend.. @javybar
I appreciate realizing that I am living as per my qualities. All that I say turns out to be more excellent and significant when my activities reflect my words. When I say I esteem my home, individuals can perceive how flawless and deliberate it is. When I tell somebody I adore them, they can see the time and exertion I put resources into our relationship.
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"@javybar your every post have a new thought regarding the beauty of life in such a great way that peole will love to follow that and apply that in their life and i really love this thought posted by you;
Awesome, I love that one as well. I was very inspired on that one :)
yap!it got a very deep lesson about life and huminity!
I am awed perusing your uplifting post. Indeed I can do and I should do which I need . Since I have a capacity to do anything as a man . This is my energy psyche and I have gotten this power perusing your post. Thank @javybar for your great post.
you're welcome :)
completely right..its just conceivable a man depend controll mind..if a man culminate way to go he can doing everything in her life.its simply conceivable just a decent identity man as like you... again giving alots of urge to peruse your post.. .I seek that,your helped needs after me. because,i surmise that on the off chance that you help me along these lines, at that point I will have the capacity to satisfy my fantasies later on.
very true! :)
Awesome very nice thoughts, you are explaining very simply to speak manners. I try to speak well and good impact on others i do all my best 🙂
Keep it up! :)
Yes my friend again absolutely fabulous post by you. Our actions and words should be similar in such a way that others get attracted to us and they starting listening to us. Words should have much power to motivate others like yours. Yes smart mind and actions create a sexy image of yours.
We as a whole have distinctive identities and we are for the most part one of a kind in our own particular manner. . Amazing point!!I think we should be a superior gathering of people than a decent speaker And When we converse with somebody, we should watch out for our Body dialect. . . Magnificent post my companion.
thank you very much for the contribution. :)
The energy of your words relies upon the energy of your activities. I concur with your statement, Its all rely upon the nature of your great words. Our words influence a decent identity and great conduct to draw in you to others.
Great words, thank you
People mostly judge you with your way of talking, a silent person personality can't be judge. Your views and thoughts are worth reading.
thank you very much! :)
dear sir,
Many beautiful and educative posts. Every word is very important for our lives. Thank you very much for share.
Agree with you :)
Agree 100%!
Usually, people who talk a lot, little action. This becomes very important to be balanced between the meaning of intentions with the meaning of content / thought and action. The problem is not everyone can to it. So, slowly we need to direct ourselves to that place.
Thank you friends for sharing. My personal thoughts become more open and more enthusiastic in navigating this life.In connection with the problem that @javybar say, maybe the following link could be as an example for the writing @javybar which is very unusual. https://steemit.com/life/@seha76/a-piece-of-the-life-story-of-a-human-child
Great Post my friend. Upvoted it. thank you :)
Thank you very much my friends. there is one secret life that never reduced sustenance someone because give :) believe me! I said honest.
honestly, I am not promotion, but very coincide with posts @javybar on how someone must be set mindset in life. for example :)
But, thank you very much for everything :)
Good to see you in space and time 😂
Because I’ve seen several powerful and successful VCs and entrepreneurs damage their reputations by having their words not match up with their actions.@javybar I strongly agreed with this Quote.
So, Words matter. And having them match your actions matters even more.
Very true, words matter and have to match actions, thank you!
WOW! Wonderful post!! :)
If we all follow this rule then we all will be save from any misunderstanding which crates loads of problem for nothing. :/
i know! very true. :)
Inspiring accent sir @javybar. If our attitude, speaking and listening are elegant than people have a attraction for us. So we should have a balance in speaking and listening then we are perfect human being.
Actions really do speak louder than words. I ensure that what I say corresponds with what I do. I take my promises seriously. I graciously decline obligations that I am unable to fulfill. When I make a commitment, I follow through.
I think before I speak. Giving myself time to reflect helps me to become more responsible and considerate. I take into account my true feelings and the impact that my words have on others.
I am also a poetry writer but not like you you said right that we should waste our speaking and listing. Both are important. I wanna say a my poetry.
✒love those who love you
Forget those who don't value you
Thank you very much :)
@javybar I want to add some more beautiful lines in that post.
Our words and actions tell the truth of what we believe.
When our actions contradict our words...Our words Don't mean anything.
Characterize people by their actions & you will never be fooled by their words.
Don't Underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, Notice more than you realize.
Thank you! Powerful lines in here.
YES Agreed with you @javybar, our words have power, more power than any other man made weapon that we aware of and in many instances, the words we speak come from the thoughts we think. Your Thoughts and Your Words Have the Power to Heal, Build and Create! The driving force of words whether spoken, thought or written are continuously propelling us through life.
Nice words! Totally agree with you, our words have power and out actions have to match them. Thanks :)
Human intention is the controlling aspect of human nature and actions. Whatever we do, we imagen actually depends upon of our intention. So, es this point is quite valid in this aspect and motivates to act in a right way,
Thanks lot the motivational writer @javybar :)
Yes, you are changing the world in a very positive way Man ;)
We are all changing the world my friend, remember that :)
Absolutely right @javybar, eyes contact, giving great attention when someone talk to us will bring joy, and warmly atmosphere. the universal language is body language. in chat communication also we can impress the attention by doing proper response, and asking proper question in regard of the topic. nice thought my friend
have a nice day
Very true my friend, thank you! Started following you :)
I totally agree :)
After all words have the power to melt down a stone heart even !
Wise words to live by buddy !
hear and see will be easy to remember and practice
It is 100% true sir,Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve
Individuals for the most part judge you with your method for talking, a noiseless individual identity can't be judge. Your perspectives and musings merit perusing.
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hello friend @javybar yes it is really true and this such thing is really plays an important role in our personality.. <3 :)
thanks friend :)
I am agree because every body having its on personalities.
Your article is to much impressive.
By reading your articles i am much impressed and lot of changes come in my life due to your motivational ideas and fruitful thoughts.you always shared such a brilliant ideas .
thanks i always wait for your post.so please share more ideas .
in speaking in my opinion the most important thing is we respect other people, do not appear our impression patronizing or compelling, but make the atmosphere flow calm as where it should be ,,
the state of a person different from each other, there is a meditate to get peace of mind clear, there are dive into the situation by living with someone so that gave birth to ideas,
in the end a brilliant idea born of a quiet soul, let us join hands to achieve blessing together ,,
best wishes for everything and make you @ javibar
I am not good at talking in front of people, I am very difficult in this case, I can only be a good listener ,, so I have no opinion on this
Talking to hear other speakers without interrupting
Every human is different from the other
Featured article
speaking & listening is really an unique part of communication... always we always should listen & speak that much attentively that everyone want to enjoy to speak with you.
One creates our social world, a good communication helps to have a good relationship with your friends, sometimes being yourself is the best there is ..
Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is also one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. An individual is not motivated by another individual. Motivation comes from within the individual..jpeg)
Mistakes are bound to happen, but I always look for ways to better myself. I learn from my lapses and do better next time. I earn the trust of others when I live up to my promises.
I take satisfaction in knowing that I am living according to my values. Everything I say becomes more beautiful and meaningful when my actions mirror my words. When I say I value my home, people can see how neat and orderly it is. When I tell someone I love them, they can see the time and effort I invest in our relationship.
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